File #: 2024-1496    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Preliminary Item
File created: 11/13/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners - Zoning Meeting
On agenda: 1/23/2025 Final action:
Title: COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 03 Super District 06 Application of Architectural Standard, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. for a major modification of zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-17-21564 for a mixed-use development in the MU-4 (Mixed-Use High Density) zoning district and Tier 2 of the I-20 Overlay District, at 4015 Flat Shoals Parkway.
Attachments: 1. CZ-25-1246771 Jan. 2025 Staff Report 4015 Flat Shoals Pkwy


Public Hearing:  YES      NO                                                   Department: Planning & Sustainability                                     



COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 03 Super District 06

Application of Architectural Standard, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. for a major modification of zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-17-21564 for a mixed-use development in the MU-4 (Mixed-Use High Density) zoning district and Tier 2 of the I-20 Overlay District, at 4015 Flat Shoals Parkway.



PETITION NO: N9-2024-1496  CZ-25-1246771

PROPOSED USE: Modify zoning conditions to allow a mixed-use development.

LOCATION: 4015 Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur, Georgia 30034

PARCEL NO. : 15 090 01 021

INFO.  CONTACT: Adam Chappell, Sr. Planner

PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155



Application of Architectural Standard, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. for a major modification of zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-17-21564 for a mixed-use development in the MU-4 (Mixed-Use High Density) zoning district and Tier 2 of the I-20 Overlay District.



Recommended Action

COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Full cycle deferral.




PLANNING STAFF: Two-Cycle Deferral.


STAFF ANALYSIS: The subject property is currently located in the MU-4 (Mixed-Use High Density) Zoning District, Tier 2 of the Interstate 20 Corridor Compatible Use (I-20) Overlay District, and the Soapstone Historic District. The property is one of several that was subject to numerous studies and public hearings, beginning with a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) study that was undertaken by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) in 2008. The applicant, Architectural Standard LLC c/o Battle Law P.C., is seeking a major modification of conditions of CZ-17-21564. The applicant’s letter of intent and site plan submitted with the application proposes up to 766 multifamily units, 107 single-family attached townhomes, and approximately 35,000, 20,000, and 4,000 square feet of retail, medical office, and restaurant space, respectively. Per the applicant, these figures are inclusive of the developments that have been approved per LDP’s #1245256, #1245449, and # 1246836. The proposed allocation of retail space is a significant reduction from the 143,000 square feet proposed in 2008, which per the applicant, is due to shifts in demand for such uses. The modification request has triggered a new DRI study (DRI #4109) by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). An updated site plan (“Clifton Springs Mixed Used Development DRI #4109”), dated 08/18/2023 (likely in error and meant to read 2024) shows 260 multifamily units, 66 single-family attached townhouse dwellings, 31 single-family detached cottage dwellings, and approximately 12,200 square feet of retail space. It is unclear if these development types and intensities fully include the units and spaces authorized under the aforementioned LDPs. The property is located in a Neighborhood Center (NC) Character Area, the intent of which is “is to promote a concentration of clustered residential and commercial uses that serve the goods and service needs of a few surrounding, local neighborhoods. NC Character areas call for these areas and their uses to complement the smaller scale character of nearby neighborhoods while reducing automobile travel and promote walkability and increased transit usage with a concentration of activities including retail, neighborhood commercial, professional office, moderate density housing, and public open space that are all easily accessible by pedestrians” (DeKalb County 2050 Unified Plan, pg. 35). The proposal appears to promote a design that is generally consistent with the Character Area’s intent, with a network of interconnected streets, nonresidential uses that center around a focal point, and a larger diversity of housing stock. That being said, there are concerns with the proposed site plan that have been raised by both ARC and Current Planning Staff. While the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) has reviewed the request and recommended “[Approval] subject to conditions”, comments from ARC Staff indicate that the proposal only partially meets the intent of “Established Suburbs” policy recommendations. Namely, the provision of sidewalks is incomplete in some areas and the width of the ones suggested may not be sufficient to fully support a pedestrian oriented environment at street level. In addition, some of the proposed buildings do not appear to be oriented close enough to the proposed interior streets, which per the ARC “only perpetuates widely acknowledged urban planning failures of the 1970’s and 80’s”. Current Planning Staff has noted an abundance of above-ground parking, which, while oriented to the rear and sides of most buildings, gives portions of the development a traditional suburban feel that conflicts with the intent of both the NC Character Area and I- 20 Overlay District to reduce dependency on automobile traffic. With a proposed density of 9.64 units per acre, the proposal is to be developed at a density that is significantly less than the maximum generally allowed within the NC Character Area (40 units per acre) and Tier 2 of the I-20 Overlay (60 units per acre). Changes to building orientations, building heights, and increases to density may allow for a development that more closely meets the intent of a Neighborhood Center and the Overlay, while also more closely aligning with the Established Suburbs policy recommendations of the ARC. Conversations between the applicant and Staff are ongoing and further changes to the proposal are anticipated. Given the size and scope of the development and the breadth of concerns by ARC and Current Planning Staff, the Planning and Sustainability Department recommends a “Two-Cycle Deferral to the May 2025 zoning agenda of this modification request”.


PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: (January 7, 2025) Two-Cycle Deferral 9-0-0.  Vivian Moore moved, Jana Johnson seconded for a two-cycle deferral to the May 2025 zoning agenda, per Staff recommendation.