Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 03 Super District 06
Application of Hollingshead Materials, LLC c/o Brian Hercules to rezone properties from M (Light Industrial) and M-2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning districts with conditions to M-2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning district to allow for an asphalt plant (concrete, ready-mix facility), at 3298 and 3272 Fayetteville Road.
PETITION NO: N6-2024-1443 Z-25-1247293
PROPOSED USE: An asphalt plant (concrete, ready-mix facility).
LOCATION: 3298 & 3272 Fayetteville Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30316
PARCEL NO. : 15 080 05 002 & 15 080 05 013
INFO. CONTACT: John Reid, Sr. Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Hollingshead Materials, LLC c/o Brian Hercules to rezone properties from M (Light Industrial) and M-2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning districts with conditions to M-2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning district to allow for an asphalt plant (concrete, ready-mix facility).
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Approval w/condition.
PLANNING STAFF: Full Cycle Deferral.
STAFF ANALYSIS: Full-Cycle Deferral (rev. 01.10.2025). Staff was previously recommending approval with 17 recommended conditions (see Planning Commission Staff Report attached). However, after the Planning Commission meeting the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) indicated that the project would have to procced through the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) review process. The subject site consists of two properties zoned M (Light Industrial) and M-2 (Industrial) with zoning conditions limited to a vehicular storage yard. There is also a companion Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) application to allow an asphalt plant (Ready-mix plant) in the heavy industrial (M-2) zoning district. The proposed asphalt plant (Ready-mix plant) is consistent with the light and heavy industrial (M & M-2) zoning pattern in the surrounding area which is developed with industrial uses, truck storage yards, vacant land, and an asphalt plant (HEH Paving). The Comprehensive Plan designates this site and the surrounding industrial (M and M-2) zoned properties within a Light Industrial (LIND) Character Area designated by the 2050 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, and the proposed use is consistent with the following plan strategies: Protect existing and zoned industrial lands from unnecessary intrusion by conflicting land uses and minimize the re-zoning of light industrial properties to residential uses (2050 Comprehensive Plan, Light Industrial, page 281). The applicant has submitted a letter from an environmental engineering firm (Penta Tech) which indicates how any potential air, water, noise, odor, and dust will be mitigated so that there are no adverse impacts on adjacent or surrounding properties (See attached letter dated November 21st, 2024 from Penta Engineering Company) which is summarized as follows: Air and Dust: The applicant will be required to obtain and maintain compliance with a Georgia Air Quality Permit from the Georgia Environmental Protection Department (EPD) which is a proposed condition by Staff. In addition to the requirements of the air quality permit, Staff is recommending a condition which requires a dust management plan, confinement of outside storage areas within three-sided concrete bins, all conveyor belts and delivery trucks to be covered after loading and during transport, and an eight-foot-high fence and a 50-foot-wide buffer with existing and new trees along Fayetteville Road, Fleetwood Drive, and the southeastern property line. Water: Regarding water quality, the Georgia EPD requires that the applicant must file a Notice of Intent for coverage under the Georgia National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for Industrial Activity Permit with the Georgia Environment Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and maintain compliance with NPDES requirements. Staff is also recommending as a condition of approval a detailed hydrology study and approval of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) by the Department of Public Works to address any potential water quality impacts from the asphalt plan and outdoor storage areas prior to the issuance of any land development permits. Odor: The ready-mix plant does not produce any odors or fumes during mixing or the reaction process of curing. Ready-mix uses roughly 1 part cement, 2 parts sands, and 3 parts aggregate stone. Noise: Hours of operation are standard business hours between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, and on Saturdays on an as needed emergency basis between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., with no operations allowed on Sunday. Additionally, the facility will have to comply with the DeKalb County Noise Ordinance. Staff is also recommending a condition of approval a 50-foot-wide buffer with existing and new trees along Fayetteville Road, Fleetwood Drive, and the southeastern property line. Based on the predominate industrial zoning pattern, the existing asphalt plant across Fleetwood Drive (HEH Paving), and the Comprehensive Plan’s LIND Character area calling for future industrial uses in the surrounding area, it appears that the proposed asphalt plant (Ready-mix plant) with recommended conditions would be suitable for the subject property (Section 27-873 (B). However, after the Planning Commission meeting the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) indicated that the project would have to procced through the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) review process. Therefore, Staff is recommending “Full Cycle Deferral” to the March 2025 zoning agenda to allow the completion of the DRI review process.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: (January 7, 2025) Two-Cycle Deferral 9-0-0. Jon West moved, Vivian Moore seconded for a two-cycle deferral to the May 2025 zoning agenda to allow the applicant time to see if a DRI and an ARC review will be required.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval w/condition (6-2-0) that vehicle storage be restricted from the property.