Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Community Development
Commission District(s): All
Update to the 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Programs, including the 2023 Annual Action Plan - Federally Funded, No Cost to the County
Information Contact: Allen Mitchell, Director
Phone Number: (404) 969-9921
To consider approving and authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to submit The Update of the 2019-2023 DeKalb Consolidated Plan, including the 2023 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The total amount of funds in 2023 from HUD, including program income is $7,470,270.
The Update to the 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan including the 2023 Annual Action Plan includes funding for housing and homeless related programs; senior home repair program; demolition/blight remediation and public facility improvements. The availability of 2023 HUD funds will enable the County to serve principally low-to-moderate income individuals, improve low-to-moderate income neighborhoods, and stabilize communities.
The following amounts are reflected in the Congressional allocation for 2023 HUD Programs:
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $4,574,544
($4,537,241 from HUD and $37,303 from Program Income)
HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) $2,500,886
($2,318,562 from HUD and $182,324 Program Income)
Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) $ 394,840
Total Anticipated Funding $7,470,270
Recommended Action
To approve the Update to the 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan including the 2023 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary Grant Agreements approved by HUD; authorize payment to the Emergency Solutions Grant providers as approved by the Consolidated Plan; authorize the acceptance and appropriation of program income from any sources that may be received which exceeds the projected amounts as indicated; authorize amendments to previous Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plan to add any amended project and cancel projects that are no longer feasible or needed.