Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): District 03 Super District 06
Application of Rockhaven Homes LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. to rezone from R-100 (Residential Medium Lot-100) to RSM (Small Lot Residential Mix) Zoning District to allow the construction of single-family detached homes, at 2717 Whitfield Road.
PETITION NO: Z-22-1245310 (2021-3516)
PROPOSED USE: Single-family, detached homes.
LOCATION: 2717 Whitfield Road, Ellenwood, Georgia 30294
PARCEL NO. : 15-009-01-001, 15-009-01-002, 15-009-01-006, 15-009-01-008
INFO. CONTACT: John Reid, Sr. Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Rockhaven Homes LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. to rezone from R-100 (Residential Medium Lot-100) to RSM (Small Lot Residential Mix) Zoning District to allow the construction of single-family detached homes. The property is located on the north side of Linecrest Road and the north and south sides of Whitfield Road, approximately 225 feet east of Bouldercrest Road at 2717, 2698, 2688, and 2670 Whitfield Road in Ellenwood, Georgia. The property has approximately 1,851 feet of frontage along Linecrest Road and 1,000 feet of frontage along Whitfield Road and contains 22.5 acres.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: (February 9, 2022) Approval. (December 15, 2021) Approval.
PLANNING COMMISSION: (March 1, 2022) Full Cycle Deferral. (November 4, 2021) Full Cycle Deferral.
STAFF RECOMMENDATONI: Approval with Conditions (rev. 4/11/2022).
PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: Since the March 24th Board of Commissioners Zoning meeting, the applicant has submitted a revised plan which creates a pocket park near the center of the subdivision (at the northwest intersection of “Street C” and “Street B”) to allow for more optimal pedestrian access. Two lots have been relocated to the northwest side of “Street B” to allow for the re-designed centralized park location. Based on conceptual review, it appears that the revised plan complies with the maximum 600 foot block length along “Street B” between Street “C” to the east and “Street A” to the southwest. The redesign improves traffic circulation. Additionally, there is compliance with the perimeter lot compatibility requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, which require that new single-family, detached lots along the perimeter boundary be at least 80% as wide as abutting single-family lots with a 20-foot-wide buffer to ensure compatibility with surrounding properties. The revised plan also provides tabular data demonstrating compliance with maximum building height, lot coverage, and building setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed RSM zoning with a density of 3.4 units per acre is consistent with the RSM zoning and development pattern to the north and east containing single-family detached residential uses (Ward Lake Subdivision) at a density of 3.2 units per acre. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Planning & Sustainability Department that the application be “Approved” with the recommended conditions. .
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: (March 1, 2022) Full Cycle Deferral 8-0-1. Jon West moved, Vivian Moore seconded for a full cycle deferral to the May 2022 zoning agenda, per Staff recommendation. Jana Johnson abstained. (November 4, 2021) Full Cycle Deferral 7-0-2. Jon West moved, Gwendolyn McCoy seconded for Full Cycle Deferral to the March 2022 zoning agenda, per Staff recommendation. Vivian Moore and Jana Johnson abstained.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: (Feb. 9, 2022) Approval 7-0-2. Applicant answered board members' and a resident's questions about stormwater runoff, parking, and a rental cap, to their satisfaction. (Dec. 15, 2021) Approval 6-0-0. Applicant answered board members and a resident's questions about stormwater runoff, parking, and a rental cap, to their satisfaction.