Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of Joseph Cooley, Esq. to amend the Future Land Use Plan from Suburban (SUB) to Light Industrial (LIND) to allow for future light industrial and/or commercial uses, at 2346 Pine Mountain Street.
PETITION NO: N6. LP-21-1244580 2021-2113
PROPOSED USE: Future light industrial and/or commercial uses.
LOCATION: 2346 Pine Mountain Street, Lithonia, Ga.
PARCEL NO. : 16-168-01-008
INFO. CONTACT: Brian Brewer, Sr. Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Joseph Cooley, Esq. to amend the Future Land Use Plan from Suburban (SUB) to Light Industrial (LIND). The property is located on the east side of Pine Mountain Street, approximately 20 feet north of Pine Mountain Road, at 2346 Pine Mountain Street, Lithonia. The property has approximately 78 feet of frontage on Pine Mountain Street and contains 1.2 acres.
Recommended Action
STAFF ANALYSIS: The intent of the Light Industrial Character Area is to identify areas appropriate for industrial type uses. The location of these areas shall preserve the appeal and appearance of residential and commercial areas from the prospective intrusion of light industrial land uses. These areas consist of areas used in low intensity manufacturing, including wholesale trade, and distribution activities that do not generate excessive noise, vibration, air pollution or other nuisance characteristics. The Light Industrial Character Area Policies are as follows: (1) Infrastructure - Provide appropriate infrastructure support for industrial development in designated industrial areas (2) Buffer - Protect surrounding areas from the negative impacts of noise and light pollutants (3) Residential Protection - Prohibit the encroachment of industrial uses into established residential areas (4) Environmental Compatibility - Direct development to industrial districts located in areas with compatible soils drainage and other environmental characteristics (5) Zoning Compatibility - Protect existing and zoned undeveloped industrial land from unnecessary intrusion by conflicting land uses (6) Re-zoning - Minimize the rezoning of light industrial properties to residential uses (7) Future Designations - Designate specific areas through the use of zoning and other land use tools for industrial development (8) Retrofit - Develop or, where possible, retrofit property planned industrial parks with adequate water, sewer, storm water, and transportation infrastructure for all component uses at build-out (9) Location of Centers - Locate industrial centers in areas with good access to highways (10) Landscaping - Incorporate landscaping and site design to soften or shield views of buildings and parking lots, loading docks, etc. (11) Regulations Compatibility - Create and implement zoning and development regulations for industrial uses (12) Truck Routes - Designate truck routes to reduce noise, pollutants and traffic congestion in residential areas (13) Access Management - Provide access controls and management standards in compliance with the DeKalb County Transportation Plan (14) Adaptable Reuse - Convert obsolete and empty industrial buildings into multifamily and/or live-work establishments. The current future land use of Suburban is incompatible with surrounding uses. The property’s current zoning is Residential Estate (RE). A large lot, single-family residential designation. It is staff’s opinion that it is unlikely that this parcel will be developed for the purpose of housing in the future. In fact, the parcel is owned by the same owner as an abutting parcel currently being used for commercial vehicle parking. The application to amend the Future Land Plan Map to Light Industrial would make the parcel consistent with Light Industrial Character Area policies and surrounding uses. For these reasons, Staff recommends “Approval”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Denial 9-0-0. G. McCoy moved, P. Womack, Jr. seconded for Denial.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Denial 8-0-0. There was strong opposition from the community.