Purchasing Type: Request for Proposals (RFP)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
RFP - Request for Proposals No. 22-500635 Pre/Post Employment Hazmat, DOT Physical Examinations, and Drug & Alcohol Testing Services (Annual Contract with 4 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Human Resources and Merit System (HRMS). Consists of providing post-offer, pre-employment and fitness for duty physicals to candidates for employment and/or employees. Recommend award to the highest scoring proposer: Occupational Health Centers of Georgia, P.C. dba Concentra Medical Centers. Amount Not To Exceed: $664,985.00.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3851
Consists of providing post-offer, pre-employment and fitness for duty physicals to candidates for employment and/or employees. Five (5) proposals were received.
Recommended Action
Recommend award to the highest scoring proposer:
Occupational Health Centers of Georgia, P.C. dba Concentra Medical Centers., 900 Ashwood Pkwy Suite 130, Atlanta, GA 30338
Amount Not To Exceed: $664,985.00
and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract and all associated documents.
Evaluation Committee Scores:
Firms Scores
Occupational Health Centers of Georgia, P.C.
dba Concentra Medical Centers 94.3 points
Caduceus Occupational Medicine dba Caduceus USA 92.2 points
Biz InfoTech Consulting dba ARC Point Labs 50.7 points
Boykins United, LLC d/b/a Bunfield Services 34.9 points
after evaluation of technical and cost proposals, the recommendation is to award to the highest scoring proposer.
1. Contract Effective Date: Date of Execution
2. Contract Expiration Date: 1 Year Term with 4 Options to Renew
3. Amount Spent on Previous Contract: $1,335,931.00
4. Funding: General - Operating (HRMS)
5. Additional Proposer:
Piedmont Urgent Care by Wellstreet
3330 Cumberland Boulevard SE, Suite 825
Atlanta, GA 30339