Purchasing Type: Change Order (CO)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 1280788 Repair of Equipment: All Automobiles, On-the-Road, Off-the Road, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Trucks, Trailers & Motorized Equipment (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew) and Contract No. 1296475 Parts for Vehicles and Off - Road Equipment including Batteries (Annual with 2 Options to Renew): for use by Public Works-Fleet Management. Consent to Assignment to transfer the remaining balances and contract terms from Flint Equipment Co. to Dobbs Equipment Southeast, LLC. CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT ONLY.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Awarded by the BOC on January 25, 2022 in an amount not to exceed $275,000.00 (Contract No. 1280788). Awarded by the BOC on June 28, 2022 in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 (Contract No. 1296475). This request is seeking a transfer of the remaining balances and contract terms from Flint Equipment Co. to Dobbs Equipment Southeast, LLC. There will be no change in contract terms, conditions, or prices.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval of Change Order No. 2 with:
Dobbs Equipment Southeast, LLC., 6070 Poplar Ave., Ste. 750, Memphis, TN 38119
and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the change orders (consent to assignments) and all associated documents.
1. Contract Effective Date: January 25, 2022 (CPA 1280788)
June 28, 2022 (CPA 1296475)
2. Contract Expiration Date: February 28, 2023 (CPA 1280788)
June 30, 2023 (CPA 1296475)
3. Amount Spent to Date: $108,654.96 (CPA 1280788)
$29, 562.33 (CPA 1296475)
4. Funding: Vehicle Maintenance (Fleet Management)