File #: 2022-1175    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Preliminary Item
File created: 1/27/2022 In control: Board of Commissioners - Zoning Meeting
On agenda: 3/24/2022 Final action: 3/24/2022
Title: COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 05 Super District 07 Application of Adian Prince to rezone property from R-100 (Residential Medium Lot-100) to C-1 (Local Commercial) for restaurant use, at 1726 Panola Road.
Attachments: 1. Z-22-1245427 2022-1175 BOC Recommended Conditions 3-11-22, 2. Z-22-1245427 1726 Panola Rd. March BOC Staff Report, 3. CC-5 Recommended These Conditions - Z-21-1245055 2021-2901 Recommended Conditions 1762 Panola Rd


Public Hearing:  YES      NO                                                   Department: Planning & Sustainability                                     



COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 05 Super District 07

Application of Adian Prince to rezone property from R-100 (Residential Medium Lot-100) to C-1 (Local Commercial) for restaurant use, at 1726 Panola Road.


PETITION NO: N8. Z-22-1245427  (2022-1175)

PROPOSED USE: Restaurant use.

LOCATION: 1726 Panola Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30088

PARCEL NO. : 16-037-02-004

INFO.  CONTACT: Brandon White, Planning Manager

PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155



Application of Adian Prince to rezone property from R-100 (Residential Medium Lot-100) to C-1 (Local Commercial) for restaurant use. The property is located on the east side of Panola Road, approximately 430 feet north of Young Road, at 1726 Panola Road, Stone Mountain, GA, 30088. The property has 256 feet of frontage and contains 2.59 acres.




Recommended Action

COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Approval with Conditions.


PLANNING COMMISSION: Approval with Conditions.


PLANNING STAFF: Approval with Conditions.


STAFF ANALYSIS: The C-1 (Local Commercial) Zoning District request would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Suburban Character Area Policy 3 states, “non-residential development in suburban areas shall be limited to small-scale convenience goods/services to meet the needs of the surrounding residents. Small scale nonresidential development shall be limited to qualifying intersections (collector roadway and above).” Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “Approval with Staff’s recommended conditions”.


PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval with Conditions 8-0-0.  Gwendolyn McCoy moved, Jana Johnson seconded for Approval with three (3) conditions, per Staff recommendation, with an added 4th condition that the applicant address noise reduction.  Chair Snipes wanted it noted for the record that she has major concerns regarding left turns from the property, going southbound onto Panola Road.  Edward Patton was not present for this vote.


COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION:  Approval with Conditions 9-0-1.  Approve with the same conditions given for Z-21-1245055 / 2021-2901 (see attached).