Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of Joseph Cooley, Esq. to rezone property from RE (Residential Estate) District to M (Light Industrial) District to allow a warehouse/office use, at 2346 Pine Mountain Street.
PETITION NO: N7. Z-21-1244581 2021-2114
PROPOSED USE: Warehouse/office.
LOCATION: 2346 Pine Mountain Street, Lithonia, Ga.
PARCEL NO. : 16-168-01-008
INFO. CONTACT: Brandon White, Current Planning Manager
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Joseph Cooley, Esq. to rezone property from RE (Residential Estate) District to M (Light Industrial) District to allow a warehouse/office use. The property is located on the east side of Pine Mountain Street, approximately 20 feet north of Pine Mountain Road, at 2346 Pine Mountain Street, Lithonia. The property has approximately 78 feet of frontage on Pine Mountain Street and contains 1.2 acres.
Recommended Action
PLANNING STAFF: Full Cycle Deferral.
STAFF ANALYSIS: If the future land use map amendment request from Suburban (SUB) to Light Industrial (LIND) is approved, then the rezoning request to the M (Light Industrial) Zoning District would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the following three (3) reasons: 1. Table 1.2 (Character Areas and Permitted Zoning Districts) of the Zoning Ordinance lists M (Light Industrial) as a permissible use in the Light Industrial character area. 2. In order to implement Comprehensive Plan Light Industrial Character Area Policy #7 (Future Designations) it is recommended that we “designate specific areas through the use of zoning and other land use tools for industrial development.” 3. The proposed warehouse/storage use is listed as one of the primary, light industrial uses noted in the Comprehensive Plan (pg. 75). However, the applicant informed staff that a warehouse is the intended use for the subject property and the conceptual plan in under development. The request cannot be fully evaluated without the proposed development plan. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “Full-Cycle Deferral”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Denial 9-0-0. G. McCoy moved, V. Moore seconded for Denial. Commissioner Atkins requested that, moving forward, whenever there are properties on the agenda that abut neighboring jurisdictions, Staff shall provide information on neighboring jurisdictions' future land use for that area, as well as the current and pending zoning/rezonings in relation to the subject property.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Denial 8-0-0. There was strong opposition from the community.