Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of Sang Gloamy L Morris to amend the Land Use Plan on property from Suburban (SUB) to Commercial Redevelopment Corridor (CRC) to allow a range of commercial uses, at 5011 Covington Highway.
PETITION NO: N4. LP-21-1244555 2021-2111
PROPOSED USE: Various commercial uses.
LOCATION: 5011 Covington Highway, Lithonia, Ga.
PARCEL NO. : 15-162-04-008
INFO. CONTACT: Brian Brewer, Sr. Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Sang Gloamy L Morris to amend the Land Use Plan on property from Suburban (SUB) to Commercial Redevelopment Corridor (CRC) to allow a range of commercial uses. The property is located on the south side of Covington Highway, approximately 1,083 feet east of Wesley Chapel Road, at 5011 Covington Highway, Decatur. The property has 100 feet of frontage on Covington Highway and contains 0.61 acre.
Recommended Action
PLANNING COMMISSION: Withdrawal without Prejudice.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The intent of the Commercial Redevelopment Corridor Character Area is to promote the redevelopment of declining commercial corridors and to improve the function and aesthetic appeal of more stable commercial corridors. These areas mostly consist of strip-style shopping centers that are in need of aesthetic or functional improvements, are in economic decline or are vacant. They are often characterized by a high degree of vehicular traffic, on-site parking, moderate floor to area ratio and large tracks of land. The proposed density for areas of this type is up 18 dwelling units per acre. Though the subject parcel is in close proximity to existing parcels with the future land use of Commercial Redevelopment Corridor. However, there are two residentially zoned parcels with Suburban future land use designations dividing them. Staff currently has no knowledge of an expressed intent to see these parcels be rezoned and have their future land use designation amended. At the time of the application submittal, there was no specific redevelopment plan to consider. Below are the 2035 Comprehensive Plan Policies for the Commercial Redevelopment Corridor Future Land Use designation: (1) Cyclists and Pedestrians-Provide safe and attractive facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians. (2) Transportation-Provide transportation alternatives to reduce automobile dependency. (3) Mixed-Use Redevelopment -Redevelop older strip commercial centers into viable mixed-use developments (4) Streetscape-Create pedestrian scale communities that focus on the relationship between the street, buildings, streetscape improvements and people. (5) Mixed Use Districts-Create compact mixed-use districts and reduce automobile dependency and travel to obtain basic services. (6) Density-Cluster high density development at nodes & along major corridors outside of established residential areas. (7) Landscaping-Use landscaping and other buffers to protect pedestrians from heavy traffic. (8) Aesthetics-Create and implement performance and aesthetic standards to improve visual appearance. (9) Signage-Implement signage and billboard controls Parking-Require parking to the side or rear of buildings. (10) Connectivity-Promote parcel interconnectivity (11) TOD-Promote transit-oriented development (12) Bike Parking-Provide safe and accessible areas for bicycle parking (13) Transit Incentives-Provide incentives to encourage transit compatible development (14) Transportation-Accommodate and encourage the development of multi-modal transportation centers, where appropriate (15) Access Management-Create and implement driveway controls and access management standards Tree Preservation-Establish tree preservation and landscaping standards (16) Development-Focus development on parcels that abut or have access to the designated Commercial Redevelopment Corridor Redevelopment Concept-In appropriate locations, build new commercial structures closer to street on existing under-utilized parking lots creating internal smaller or decked parking. (17) Architectural Standards-Upgrade the appearance of existing older commercial buildings with façade improvements. Given the size of the subject parcel, the zoning and future land use of the abutting parcels, it is unlikely that the current proposal will meet the intent of the Commercial Redevelopment Corridor Character Area or a significant number of the policies to support a Future Land Plan Map Amendment at this time. For these reasons, staff’s recommendation for this application is “Denial”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Withdrawal without Prejudice 9-0-0. J. West moved, E. Patton seconded for withdrawal without prejudice, per the applicant’s request.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 8-0-0, with a condition that no auto related, no service stations and no convenience stores be allowed.