Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of VC Development, LLC to rezone property from R-75 (Residential Medium Lot) District to RSM (Residential Small Lot) District to allow the development of a 20-lot single-family subdivision with two open space lots, at 2080 Tilson Road.
PETITION NO: N7. Z-19-1235291
PROPOSED USE: 20-lot single-family subdivision with two open space lots.
LOCATION: 2080 Tilson Road, Decatur 30032
PARCEL NO.: 15-140-04-011
INFO. CONTACT: Marian Eisenberg
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-4922
Application of VC Development, LLC to rezone from R-75 (Residential Medium Lot) District to RSM (Small Lot Residential Mix) District to allow the development of a 20-lot single-family subdivision with two open space lots. The property is located on the north side of Tilson Road, approximately 853 feet west of Mark Trail at 2080 Tilson Road. The property has approximately 330 feet of frontage along Tilson Road and contains 4.2 acres.
Recommended Action
STAFF ANALYSIS: (REVISED 1/11/19) Given the subject site’s proximity to a Town Center (TC) character area to the south calling for a high density mix of land uses, other institutional land uses in the area (Greater White Rock Baptist Church and Gresham First Baptist Church), other RSM- zoned properties to the south and east, and the site’s access to a collector street (Tilson Road) which also serves public transit (MARTA bus route), it appears that higher residential densities are appropriate along Tilson Road as a transition from the TC character area to the south and the lower density single-family subdivisions to the north. The applicant has submitted a revised plan dated 10/18/18 which clarifies compliance with zoning ordinance requirements for perimeter lots to be at least 80% as wide and as large as the abutting subdivision lots. The applicant has also submitted additional conceptual elevations to address compatibility with the surrounding area. Therefore, it appears that RSM zoning on the subject site is suitable with adjacent and surrounding properties. However, the site plan’s street layout of two cul-de-sacs located close together may not be in compliance with Transportation design requirements. Therefore, approval cannot be based on the submitted site plan. However, it is the recommendation of the Planning Department that the application be "Approved, subject to Staff’s recommended conditions.” Staff has added Condition #9 to further enhance compatibility with surrounding properties.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Full Cycle Deferral 8-0-0. V. Moore moved, A. Atkins seconded for a full cycle deferral.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 8-1-1. Concerns were raised about the storm water pond.