Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 03 Super District 07
Application of Troy Morrison for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a Personal Care Home (Community Living Arrangement - CCI) for four (4) individuals in the R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) zoning district, at 3771 Elkridge Drive.
PETITION NO: N6. SLUP-22-1245925 (2022-1911)
PROPOSED USE: Personal Care Home for four (4).
LOCATION: 3771 Elkridge Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30032
PARCEL NO. : 15-156-14-003
INFO. CONTACT: Planning & Sustainability
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Troy Morrison for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a Personal Care Home (Community Living Arrangement - CCI) for four (4) individuals in the R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) zoning district. The property is located on the southeast side of Elkridge Drive and the west side of Interstate 285, approximately 266 feet west of Snapfinger Road, at 3771 Elkridge Drive in Decatur, Georgia. The property has approximately 95 feet of frontage along Elkridge Drive and contains 0.39 acre.
Recommended Action
PLANNING COMMISSION: Approval with Conditions.
PLANNING STAFF: 30-Day Deferral.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposal is consistent with the Suburban character area of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. However, as a use subject to a special land use permit approval, consideration of the public is required due to possible impacts. A number of adjacent property owners have raised questions regarding the proposal and the required pre-submittal community engagement. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends a “30-day deferral for public hearing”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval with Conditions 6-2-0. Final Motion: Jan Costello moved, Lauren Blaszyk seconded for approval with five (5) conditions, per Staff recommendation. Vivian Moore and Edward Patton opposed. 1st Motion: Vivian Moore moved, Edward Patton seconded for denial. That vote failed 2-6-0. 2nd Motion: Jana Johnson moved for a 2-cycle deferral to allow the applicant time to work with the community. That motion failed for lack of a 2nd.