Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of Mack III Development, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. for a major modification to remove conditions of CZ-91039, CZ-90052, and CZ-89033 to allow for a mixed-use development in accordance with the I-20 Overlay District, at 1816 Candler Road.
PETITION NO: N7. CZ-20-1243619 (2019-4713)
PROPOSED USE: Mixed Use Development
LOCATION: 1816 Candler Road
PARCEL NO. : 15 170 13 030
INFO. CONTACT: Marian Eisenberg
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-4922
Application of Mack III Development, LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. for a major modification to remove conditions of CZ-91039, CZ-90052, and CZ-89033 to allow for a mixed-use development in accordance with the I-20 Overlay District. The property is located on the east side of Candler Road at 1816 Candler Road. The property has approximately 362 feet of frontage along Candler Road, 46 feet of frontage along Glenwood Road and 614 feet of frontage along Glenhill Place and contains 5.60 acres.
Recommended Action
PLANNING COMMISSION: Approval with Conditions.
PLANNING STAFF: Approval with modified conditions.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The 2035 Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates the subject property within the Commercial Redevelopment Corridor (CRC) Character Area. The intent of this character area is to promote the redevelopment of declining commercial corridors and to improve the function and aesthetic appeal of more stable commercial corridors. While the subject property abuts strip-style shopping centers, the proposed mixed-use development realizes the policies and intent of the comprehensive plan through enhancing this corridor by adding density, streetscaping and mixed-use redevelopment. The current zoning conditions restrict the use for the subject property to truck storage buildings and outdoor storage which underutilizes the land use. Therefore, staff recommends, “Approval for the major modification request to remove zoning conditions CZ-89033, CZ-90052, and CZ-91039 to allow for mixed use development, Candler Crossing, in the Interstate 20 Corridor Compatible Use Overlay District, with conditions”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval with modified conditions 9-0-0. V. Moore moved, E. Patton seconded for Approval with conditions, per Staff recommendation with an added sentence to condition #1 to read: This application does not preclude variance applications”; and an added condition #2 to read: “No access to Glenhill Place”.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Denial 7-2-1. Members in opposition thought that the number of units, described by the applicant as approximately 200, would be too high. They wanted to see specifics of the proposal, including a site plan and elevations.