Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 04 Super District 06
Application of David Kirk to rezone property from M (Light Industrial) zoning district to HR-2 (High Density Residential-2) zoning district to allow construction of a multifamily residential development, at 2920 North Decatur Road.
PETITION NO: N4. Z-22-1245923 (2022-1909)
PROPOSED USE: Multi-family residential development.
LOCATION: 2920 North Decatur Road, Decatur, Georgia 30033
PARCEL NO. : 18-048-07-007
INFO. CONTACT: Planning & Sustainability
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of David Kirk to rezone property from M (Light Industrial) zoning district to HR-2 (High Density Residential-2) zoning district to allow construction of a multifamily residential development. The property is located on the north side of North Decatur Road, approximately 280 feet west of Jordan Lane, at 2920 North Decatur Road. The property has approximately 370 feet of frontage on North Decatur Road and contains 3.4 acres.
Recommended Action
PLANNING STAFF: Approval with Conditions.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant is seeking a rezoning of the subject property from the M (Light Industrial) Zoning District to the HR-2 (High Density Residential-2) for the development of a multi-family residential project. The proposed development will consist of two, 5-story multi-family residential buildings with a total of 200 dwelling units at a density of 59 units per acre. There is a companion Comprehensive Plan future land use map amendment (LP-22-1245877) to change the designation from Light Industrial (LIND) to Town Center (TC). If approved, the future land use designation will coincide with this rezoning request and support the redevelopment project. The intent of the Town Center character area “is to promote the concentration of residential and commercial structures, which serve many communities in order to reduce automobile travel, promote walkability and increased transit usage” (pg. 91). The proposal would contribute to that objective. There are several community services and amenities within walking distance south and west of the subject property. Additionally, most of the adjacent TC character area is also included in the Medline Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Plan. The subject property is not included in the LCI project area, however, the proposal is relatively consistent with the recommended land use (i.e. medium to high density residential uses), building height (i.e. 2-8 stories), and density (i.e. 15-40 units per acre) of the adjacent LCI project area and the maximum TC density of 60 units per acre. There are some infrastructure improvements that will be necessary to facilitate this project and/or mitigate potential impacts. The proposed development will need to connect to public sewer (capacity review needed). Access points and driveway alignment will need to be evaluated, however, the number of units proposed do not trigger the need for a traffic impact analysis. School impacts are nominal, however, Druid Hills High School is nearing maximum utilization at 96%. Lastly, there are a combination of stormwater and floodplain placement and delineation concerns that need to be conceptually addressed. Therefore, upon review of Section 7.3.5. of the Zoning Ordinance, staff recommends “Approval, with attached conditions”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval 7-0-1. LaSonya Osler moved, April Atkins seconded for approval, per Staff recommendation. Tess Snipes abstained.