Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 04 Super District 06
Application of David Kirk to amend the Land Use Map from LIND (Light Industrial) to TC (Town Center) for a multi-family residential development, at 2920 North Decatur Road.
PETITION NO: N3. LP-22-1245877 (2022-1908)
PROPOSED USE: Multi-family residential development.
LOCATION: 2920 North Decatur Road, Decatur, Georgia 30033
PARCEL NO. : 18-048-07-007
INFO. CONTACT: Brianna McCloud, Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of David Kirk to amend the Land Use Map from LIND (Light Industrial) to TC (Town Center) for a multi-family residential development. The property is located on the north side of North Decatur Road, approximately 280 feet west of Jordan Lane, at 2920 North Decatur Road. The property has approximately 370 feet of frontage on North Decatur Road and contains 3.4 acres.
Recommended Action
STAFF ANALYSIS: The intent of the Town Center is to promote the concentration of residential and commercial structures, which serve many communities in order to reduce automobile travel, promote walkability and increased transit usage. The areas consist of a focal point for several neighborhoods with a variety of activities such as general retail, commercial, professional office, higher-density housing, and appropriate public and open space uses that are easily accessible by pedestrians. This character area is similar to neighborhood center, but at a larger scale. The preferred density for areas of this type is up to 60 dwelling units per acre. These policies are primarily applicable to activity centers that do not have adopted studies. Studies that are adopted for Town Centers are referred to as Small Area Plans (SAP), and they provide more detailed guidelines and recommendations for land use, zoning, development, transportation, housing, economic development, and green space. If there are conflicts between SAP and Town Center policies, SAP policies shall take precedence. Protect Single Family- Neighborhoods Preserve and enhance the integrity and quality of existing residential neighborhoods. Maximum Density- Encourage the maximum density of residential in mixed use projects not to exceed 60 dwelling units per acre, with the most intense development located towards the commercial and/or office core of the Town Center. Properties located along the outer edges of the Town Center shall be sensitive to the building height and density of adjacent single family residential. Retrofitting- Foster retrofitting for conformity with traditional neighborhood principles. Mixed Use Development- Create compact mixed-use districts and reduce automobile dependency and travel to obtain basic services. Transitional Buffers- Require greater setbacks and/or transitional buffers for developments when located adjacent to lower density residential uses. Enhanced Buffers- Require the incorporation of enhanced buffers in efforts to protect single family neighborhoods. Staggered Heights- Require the consideration of staggered height implementation when developments are adjacent to single family residential neighborhoods. Pocket Parks- Create focal points through the use of existing pocket parks and squares for community activities. Cultural Diversity- Promote activities to highlight historic and cultural assets in the community and provide opportunities for community interaction. Infill Development- Utilize vacant properties in the neighborhood as an opportunity for infill development of compatible structures. Parking- Clearly define road edges by locating buildings near the roadside with parking in the rear. Open Space and linkages- Encourage that all development and redevelopment in activity centers provide open space and/or contribute to the public realm with wider public sidewalks, pedestrian linkages and other design features. Healthy Neighborhoods- Promote healthy living in neighborhoods by incorporating a pedestrian environment that encourages socialization, walking, biking, and connectivity. Implement the recommendations of the Master Active Living Plans (MALPs). High Density Residential- Residential development shall reinforce the center by locating higher density housing options adjacent to the center. Housing in Town Center shall be targeted to a broad range of income levels. Streetscaping- Improve Street character with consistent signage, lighting, landscaping, and other design features. Pedestrian Enhancements- Create a pedestrian -friendly environment by adding sidewalks that link neighborhood amenities. Traffic Calming- Organize circulation patterns through traffic calming techniques and access management. Add traffic calming improvements, sidewalks, and increased street interconnections to increase safety and improve walkability. Pedestrian Oriented Design- Design shall be pedestrian -oriented with walkable connections between different uses. VMT- Promote new and redevelopment at or near activity centers as a means of reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). High Density Development- Each Town Center shall include a very high-density mix of retail, office, services, and employment opportunities to serve several neighborhoods. Small Area Plans (SAPs) Implement appropriate sub-policies and development guidelines in Town Centers that have Small Area Plans, which provide more detailed guidance to the development of mixed use and transition down to single family residential. Town Centers with SAPs include: • Redan Road / Indian Creek MALP • MARTA I-20 East Corridor • Wesley Chapel LCI • Candler Flat Shoals LCI • Medline Activity Center • Toco Hills Node of the N. Druid Hills LCI. Permitted Zoning: MU5, MU4, MU3, MU2, MU1, MR1, MR2, C-1, OI, HR-1, HR-2, RSM Companion Case: Z-22-1245923 The proposed future land use map amendment is consistent with the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. The TC (Town Center) future land use designation supports the requested zoning designation. The property is adjacent to LCI, Medline Activity Center. Therefore, staff’s recommendation is for “Approval”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval 7-0-1. LaSonya Osler moved, April Atkins seconded for approval, per Staff recommendation. Tess Snipes abstained.