Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of APC Contractors Inc to rezone properties from O-I (Office Institutional) to MR-2 (Medium Density Residential-2) District to allow the construction of a 44-unit single-family attached townhome development, at 3229, 3237, 3245, 3251, and 3265 Memorial Drive.
PETITION NO: N8. Z-20-1244120 2020-0840
PROPOSED USE: A townhome development.
LOCATION: 3229, 3237, 3245, 3251, and 3265 Memorial Drive, Decatur, Georgia.
PARCEL NOS.: 15-201-07-001, -003, -004, -005, and -007
INFO. CONTACT: Melora Furman
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155 x 4
Application of APC Contractors Inc to rezone properties from O-I (Office Institutional) to MR-2 (Medium Density Residential-2) District to allow the construction of a 44-unit single-family attached townhome development. The property is located on the south side of Memorial Drive, the east side of Conway Road, the west side of Thomas Road, and the north side of Julian Street, at 3229, 3237, 3245, 3251, and 3265 Memorial Drive, Decatur, Georgia. The property has approximately 563 feet of frontage along Memorial Drive, 146 feet of frontage along Conway Road, 506 feet of frontage along Julian Street, and 352 feet of frontage along Thomas Road and contains 2.8 acres.
Recommended Action
PLANNING COMMISSION: Approval with Conditions.
PLANNING STAFF: Approval with Conditions.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposal is consistent with the policies of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan that support redevelopment of commercial redevelopment corridors, such as: “Cluster high density development at nodes and along major corridors outside of established residential areas.” (CRC Policy No. 6) and “Create pedestrian-scale communities that focus on the relationship between the street, buildings, streetscape improvements, and people.” (CRC Policy No. 4) The proposed zoning classification of MR-2 is suitable in view of the zoning pattern of the area. It provides a transition to the single-family residential zoning to the south. The development is not expected to adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property. The property is separated from nearby properties by streets and the buildings are set back approximately 24 - 34 feet from the Thomas Road and Julian Street pavements, providing additional separation from homes on the opposite side of these streets. The design of the development results in attractive street appearances by incorporating rear-facing garages, and promotes a sense of community among the residents by providing an interior pocket park. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “Approval with conditions”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval with Conditions 6-1-0. J. West moved, P. Womack, Jr. seconded for "Approval with Staff's conditions, with an amendment to condition #1 to provide specific reference to the most recent, updated plans provided by the developer to Staff last week". T. Snipes opposed. V. Moore was no longer present.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: No quorum. District 3 Community Council Board members present at the meeting recommended "Full Cycle Deferral" to allow time for members of the Midway Woods Neighborhood Association and other neighbors to meet with the applicant and discuss concerns about the effect of the development on surrounding local streets, stormwater detention, impact on the schools, and other issues.