Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of the Director of Planning & Sustainability to consider approving a resolution to authorize the adoption of the 2050 Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update also known as the CTP.
PETITION NO: N1-2022-2326 TA-22-1246121
PROPOSED USE: Adoption of the 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update a.k.a. CTP
LOCATION: County-wide
INFO. CONTACT: Cedric Hudson, Deputy Director, Planning & Sustainability
PHONE NUMBER: 404-906-8162
Application of the Director of Planning & Sustainability to consider approving a resolution to adopt the 2050 Comprehensive Transportation Plan as known as the CTP and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary documents. County received $1,000,000.00 in federal transportation funds from the Atlanta Regional Commission to develop a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). DeKalb County entered into a contract with a team of consultants led by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. The CTP extends over 18 months in efforts that has reached across the County to involve a broad cross section of DeKalb communities and stakeholders in identifying the Vision, Goals, Needs and Opportunities. The study results, based on technical analysis of the transportation system, evaluation of alternatives and public input, outlines a transportation program that supports the County and regional land use and development initiatives. The recommendations are financially constrained based on historic projections and future funding alternatives and are phased in tiers based on funding availability, technical analysis and stakeholder input. Adoption of this plan will replace the existing 2014 Transportation Plan, and adds Technology (Smart Corridors). Adoption of the 2050 Comprehensive Transportation Plan will place DeKalb County in an improved position to effectively compete for future regional transportation funds. Included in this agenda is the full document. Planning and Sustainability recommends to approve a resolution to adopt the 2050 Comprehensive Transportation Plan known as the CTP and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary documents, along with the 2050 Unified Comprehensive Plan and Service Delivery Strategy (SDS) scheduled for completion on or by December 13, 2022. We are requesting the documents be considered together. For this reason, Staff’s recommendation is for “Deferral to the December 13, 2022 Board of Commissioners meeting”.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: CC-1: Approval; CC-2: No Vote; CC-3: No Vote; CC-4: Approval; CC-5: Full Cycle Deferral.
PLANNING STAFF: Defer to the Board of Commissioners December 13, 2022 a.m. meeting.
STAFF ANALYSIS: See attached report.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Defer to BOC 7-0-1. Jan Costello moved, Jana Johnson seconded for deferral to the December 13, 2022 Board of Commissioners a.m. meeting, with the Board asking that there be a “disclaimer” included in the report, stating that the document does not include rail transit. Jon West recused himself from this case and abstained.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: CC-1: Approval 6-0-0; CC-2: No Vote - There were no major comments on this application. CC-2 Board members provided positive feedback on work completed by Planning staff. The presentation was for informational purposes only; CC-3: No Vote; CC-4: Approval 9-0-0; CC-5: Full Cycle Deferral 6-0-0.