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Commission District(s): All
Acceptance of ACCG Grant Funds and Support for Creating Time-Limited Student Intern Positions to be Paid with ACCG Grant Funds and County Matching Funds
Information Contact: John L Greene, CIA, CIG, CGAP, CGFM
Phone Number: 404-371-2765
To consider accepting grant funds up to $2,173 from the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) for student intern positions and supporting the creation of 2 merit-exempt, time-limited employee positions (with no employee benefits) for student wages.
ACCG has made grant funds available to Georgia County Government to pay for limited number of student interns hired as temporary County employees. To obtain such grants funds, the DeKalb County must show that it has hired 2 interns as temporary employees and has complied with other requirements of the grant program. The grant period is May 1, 2019 to September 1, 2019. These positons will support the Office of Independent Internal Audit. The provisions of the grant require that DeKalb County provide matching funds to hire the second intern. The total program funding amount is $4,346, which is comprised on ACCG funding in the amount of $2,173 and a required County match of $2,173 from account number 00510.511102.100.
The $2,173 required cash match is included in the Office of Independent Internal Audit’s 2019 Operating Budget. No additional funds are being requested for this grant.
Recommended Action
To agree to accept up to $2,173 in grant funds from ACCG for the 2019 summer student intern positions. Support the creation of 2 merit-exempt, time-limited employee positions, with no employee benefits, for student interns whose wages will be paid for with ACCG grant funds, with the provision that the creation and handling of these student intern positions must comply with the terms and conditions of ACCG grant. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to executive all necessary documents.