Purchasing Type: Renewal (REN)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
REN - Work Gloves (Annual Contract - 2nd Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract Nos.: 1023797, 1023798, 1023799 and 1023801 for use by Fire Rescue Services and Public Works - Roads and Drainage (R&D) and Sanitation. These contracts consist of providing various types of work gloves. Awarded to Conney Safety Products, Health Connection, LLC, Buffalo Sourcing and Supply, Freeman Resources Group and Magid Glove and Safety Manufacturing Company, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $72,000.00.
Information Contact: Talisa Clark, CPPO
Phone Number: (404) 687-2797
Awarded on August 1, 2016 for an amount not to exceed $88,113.00. On July 11, 2017 the BOC approved the 1st renewal option for a total amount not to exceed $25,828.00. This request is to exercise the 2nd renewal option.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval to exercise the 2nd renewal option through July 31, 2019 with:
Item Nos.: 1-7, 13-25 and 30-37
Conney Safety Products, 3202 Latham Drive, Madison, WI 53744
Estimated Amount: $57,000.00
Item Nos.: 26-29
Freeman Resources Group, 730 Shorter Terrace, NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
Note: LSBE Participation: 100%
Estimated Amount: $5,000.00
Item Nos.: 38-40
Magid Glove and Safety Manufacturing Company, LLC, 1300 Naperville Drive, Romeoville, IL 60446
Estimated Amount: $10,000.00
Total Amount Not To Exceed: $72,000.00
1. Contract Effective Date: August 1, 2016
2. Contract Expiration Date: July 31, 2018
3. Amount Spent To Date: $53,581.52
$30,587.94- Initial
$22,993.58 - 1st Renewal
4. Funding: Stormwater Management-Operating (R&D)
Sanitation- Operating (Sanitation)
Fire - Operating (FR)