Purchasing Type: Request for Proposals (RFP)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
RFP - Request for Proposals No. 22-500630 Design and Engineering Services During Construction for Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion - Phase 3A Project: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of providing design and engineering services under the Construction for Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion - Phase 3A Project. Recommend award to the highest scoring proposer: CDM Smith, Inc. Amount Not to Exceed: $6,273,240.00.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Consist of providing design and engineering services, to include: evaluation of alternatives, followed by design, permitting, and engineering services during construction that include post-construction activities for the following three (3) Project elements: 1) a replacement influent pump station (IPS); 2) replacement of waste activated (WAS) sludge handling facilities that remain in use after Phase 2 construction is complete; and 3) evaluation only of potential improvements to reduce quantity and improve quality of sludge that goes to the landfill, including sludge from proposed new primary clarifiers. These services will assist DWM with meeting the demands of the County by providing engineering services to increase the Snapfinger facility permitted capacity from forty-four (44) million gallons per day (MGD) to fifty-four (54) MGD. Five (5) proposals were received.
This substitute is being submitted to revise the services to be provided under the contract.
Recommended Action
Recommend award to the highest scoring proposer:
CDM Smith, Inc. 3200 Windy Hill Road, Suite 210 West, Atlanta, GA 30339
and au...
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