Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs
Commission District(s): Districts 3 & 6
Donation of a Disc Golf Course at DeKalb Memorial Park
Information Contact: Chuck O. Ellis
Phone Number: 404-371-2475
To approve and accept the installation of a disc golf courses at DeKalb Memorial Park
The Friends of DKM Disc Golf and the Friends of DeKalb Memorial Park would like to install a new public disc golf course at DeKalb Memorial Park and donate the course to the County. The course installation will take place in and along the unused areas of the park. The two groups will donate the time, labor, and materials necessary to make the project a reality. The donation will include the installation of the tee pads, course signage, baskets, brush clearing and light grading. The estimated value of the donation is $25,000.
No impact to the 2018 operating budgets
Recommended Action
To approve the resolution to accept and approve the donation of a disc golf course at DeKalb Memorial Park as donated by the Friends of DKM Disc Golf and the Friends of DeKalb Memorial Park; and authorize the chief executive officer to execute all necessary documents in the completion of the project.