Purchasing Type: Change Order (CO)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract Nos.: 975615 and 975721 for Tree Cutting and Removal Services (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Departments of Watershed Management (DWM) and Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs and PW - Roads and Drainage (R&D). These contracts consist of providing tree and stump removal, tree trimming and emergency debris removal services. Awarded to Arborserv, Inc., and Casey Tree Experts, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $1,920,000.00.
Information Contact: Talisa Clark, CPPO
Phone Number: (404) 687-2797
Awarded on June 23, 2015 for a total amount not to exceed $1,900,000.00. On July 12, 2016, the BOC approved the1st renewal option for a total amount not to exceed $625,000.00. On April 11, 2017, the BOC approved the 2nd renewal option for a total amount not to exceed $1,234,706.00. Due to tropical storm Irma and other severe weather conditions, funds have been depleted. This request is for additional funding through the remaining term of the contracts.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval of Change Order No. 1 to add additional funding with:
Arborserv, Inc., 2290 S. Stone Mountain-Lithonia Road, Lithonia, GA 30058
Notes: 1. DeKalb County Firm
2. LSBE Participation: 20%
Estimated Amount: $1,335,000.00
Casey Tree Experts, Inc., 4135 Arcadia Industrial Circle, Lilburn, GA 30047
Note: LSBE Participation: 20%
Estimated Amount: $585,000.00
Total Amount Not To Exceed: $1,920,000.00
1. Contract Effective Date: June 23, 2015
2. Contract Expiration Date: August 31, 2018
3. Amount Spent To Date: $2,574,355.51
$716,692.06 - Initial
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