Purchasing Type: Request for Proposals (RFP)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
RFP - Request for Proposals No. 23-500640 Design and Engineering Services Upgrade Lower Crooked Creek No. 2 (LCC 2) Pump Station: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of providing design and engineering services for the upgrade of LCC 2 Pump Station (PS), upgrade of Rogers Lake PS, and decommissioning of LCC No. 3 PS. Recommend award to the highest scoring proposer: Lakeshore Engineering, LLC. Total Amount Not to Exceed $35,593,331.00.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Consist of providing design and engineering services for replacing the existing LCC 2 PS, demolition of the existing LCC 2 and LCC 3 PSs, upgrading or replacing the Rogers Lake PS, and connecting to the Rogers Lake PS discharge location (manifolded force main connection), and the interconnection of the LCC 2 and LCC 3 force mains (24" to 24"). These services will assist DWM with meeting the demands of the County by providing engineering services to increase the Snapfinger facility permitted capacity from forty-four (44) million gallons per day (MGD) to fifty-four (54) MGD. Three (3) proposals were received.
Recommended Action
Recommend award to the highest scoring proposer:
Lakeshore Engineering, LLC, 1259 Ellsworth Drive, Atlanta, GA 30318
and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contracts and all associated documents.
Evaluation Committee Scores:
Firm: Score:
Lakeshore Engineering, LLC 92 points
Ruby Collins, Inc. 77 points
1. Contract Effective Date: Contract Execution
2. Contract Effective Date: December 31, 2027
3. Funding: Renewal and Extension
CIP Line No. 84 (DWM)
4. Additional Propos...
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