File #: 2024-0815    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Public Hearing
File created: 6/20/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): All Districts Application of the Office of Commission District 2 to amend Chapter 27 of the Code of DeKalb County, Georgia, as revised 1988, to reduce the minimum unit size for single-family dwelling units in single-family R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) and R-85 (Residential Medium Lot -85) zoning districts.
Attachments: 1. TA-24-1247197 Minimum unit size ordinance Nov 2024

Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Planning & Sustainability

Application of the Office of Commission District 2 to amend Chapter 27 of the Code of DeKalb County, Georgia, as revised 1988, to reduce the minimum unit size for single-family dwelling units in single-family R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) and R-85 (Residential Medium Lot -85) zoning districts.

PETITION NO: 2024-0815 TA-24-1247197

PROPOSED USE: Amendment to Chapter 27, to reduce minimum unit size for single-family dwelling units in R-75 and R-85 zoning districts.

LOCATION: County-wide
INFO. CONTACT: Commissioner Long-Spears, District 2
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2863

Application of the Office of Commission District 2 to amend Chapter 27 of the Code of DeKalb County, Georgia, as revised 1988, to reduce the minimum unit size for single-family dwelling units in single-family R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) and R-85 (Residential Medium Lot -85) zoning districts.

Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: (October 2024) CC-1: Approval w/conditions; CC-2: Approval w/conditions; CC-3: Full cycle deferral; CC-4: Approval; CC-5: Approval.

PLANNING COMMISSION: (November 7, 2024) Approval.

PLANNING STAFF: No Recommendation.

STAFF ANALYSIS: See attached information from Commission District 2.

PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: (November 7, 2024) Approval 6-0-0. Edward Patton moved, Jan Costello seconded for approval.

COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: (October 2024) CC-1: Approval (3-0-0) with the conditions to 1) reduce the minimum house size to 1,400 square feet in R-75 zoning districts; 2) reduce the minimum house size to 1,600 square feet in R-85 zoning districts; and, 3) eliminate any variance requirements for an existing non-conforming house when increasing the house size to less than the required minimum square feet for the d...

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