Purchasing Type: Cooperative Agreement (CA)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
CA - Cooperative Agreement for CCTV Products, Services and Installation: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the purchase, installation and programming of comprehensive security video surveillance systems for pumping station and water/wastewater treatment plants. Awarded to GC&E Systems Group, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $800,000.00.
Information Contact: Talisa Clark, CPPO
Phone Number: (404) 687-2797
Consists of piggybacking from the competitively-let Statewide Contract (SWC) for the purchase of comprehensive and customized video surveillance systems for Scott Candler Water Treatment Plant, Chattahoochee Pumping Station, Snapfinger Creek Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant and Pole Bridge Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. This statewide contract will allow installation and programming of new equipment and repair of the existing video surveillance systems.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval to purchase from SWC No. 99999-SPD-SPD0000025 with:
GC&E Systems Group, Inc., 5835 Peachtree Corners East, Suite A, Norcross, GA 30092
Amount Not To Exceed: $800,000.00
1. Contract Effective Date November 1, 2011
2. Contract Expiration Date: October 1, 2019
3. Funding: General - Operating (DWM)