Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Board of Commissioners - District 7
Commission District(s): District 7
To Appropriate Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act “CARES Act” Assigned to POETA Account #105424.63258.521209.01.07.602313 Reserved for District 7 Appropriations to Non-Profit Organizations that have been Severely Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Information Contact: Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson
Phone Number: 404-371-2899
To approve a resolution to appropriate Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund proceeds from the District 7 POETA
account #105424.63258.521209.01.07.602313 for the purpose of providing non-profit organizations that have
become negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, lost the ability to operate, been forced to close, or
have laid off or furloughed employees. The grants will enable local non-profits to continue providing vital
services to DeKalb County citizens.
DeKalb County stakeholders servicing constituents have a need for financial support in order to provide essential resources and relief to DeKalb County residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The DeKalb County Community Development Department will have oversight for the program management, and monitoring of the $150,000.00 in funding allocations to these non-profit organizations.
Appropriate an amount not to exceed $150,000 from POETA Account #105424.63258.521209.01.07.602313 to the following non-profit organizations:
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children - $30,000
The Hank Stewart Foundation - $30,000
Africa’s Children’s Fund - $30,000
Center for Pan Asian Communities, Inc. - $30,000
Greenforest McCalep Christian Academic Center - $30,000.
Recommended Action
To approve the resolution and authorize the chief executive officer to execute all necessary documents.