Purchasing Type: Sole Source (SS)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): ALL
SS - Oracle Technical Support Services and Software Licensing (Annual Maintenance Renewal): Contract Nos.: 1247705, 1247711, 1247713 and 1247714 for use by the Departments of Innovation and Technology (IT). This contract consists of the provision of licensing and support for all Oracle Applications. Awarded to Oracle America, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $1,197,487.49
Information Contact: Cathryn G. Horner, Director
Phone Number: (404) 371-6334
On March 09, 2021, the BOC approved agenda item number 2021-2130 for renewal number 12 (twelve) for CPA 10-902074 for technical support services. In 2003, the County entered into an agreement with Oracle for the licensing, implementation, and technical support for Oracle software. The technical support survived the completion of the implementation services and was assigned CPA No. 10-902074 for the sole purpose of tracking support expenditures. After the BOC approved agenda item number 2021-2130, Oracle refused to proceed and required the County enter into four (4) separate contracts with current terms and conditions. This agenda item is to rescind the prior agenda item (2021-2130) and request approval to proceed with the four (4) new contracts as sole source agreements instead of an amendment to CPA 10-902074 as previously approved.
Recommended Action
Recommend rescission of prior agenda item 2021-2130 and approval of award, as follows:
Oracle America, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065
CPA No. 1247705
Amount: $161,759.55
CPA No. 1247711
Amount: $249,061.28
CPA No. 1247713
Amount: $735,714.38
CPA No. 1247714
Amount: $50,952.28
Total Amount Not To Exceed: $1,197,487.49
and to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to exe...
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