Purchasing Type: Cancellation (C)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7
C - Cancellation of Contract No. 1276418 Consent Decree - Design and Engineering Services for Shoal Creek Trunk Sewer Relief Project (Multiyear Contract): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of providing design and engineering services for the upsizing of numerous trunk sewers to address seven (7) repeat sanitary sewer overflow areas in the County. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE.
Information Contact: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer
Phone Number: (404) 371-6334
Awarded by the BOC on December 14, 2021, as a substitute, under agenda item 2021-3248. On January 11, 2022, the BOC rescinded the substitute agenda item award and approved an award under agenda item 2022-1005 for an amount not to exceed $3,498,795.00. This request for cancellation is pursuant to the terms of the agreement between the County and the vendor allowing for a termination of the contract for convenience.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval to cancel Contract No. 1276418 with:
Brown and Caldwell, Inc., 990 Hammond Drive, Suite 400, Atlanta GA 30328
1. Funding: Renewal and Extension
CIP Line No. 84 (DWM - WIFIA and/or GEFA)
2. Justification: Termination for convenience