Purchasing Type: Renewal (REN)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
REN - Hauling Services (Annual Contract - 1st Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract No. 1264488 for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM) and Public Works - Roads & Drainage (R&D). Consists of providing hauling services. Awarded to Brown Management Services Enterprises, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $180,000.00.
Information Contact: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer
Phone Number: (404) 371-6334
Awarded by the BOC on October 13, 2020 for an amount not to exceed $759,250.00. Consists of providing hauling services. This request is to exercise the 1st renewal option.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval to exercise the 1st renewal option through October 31, 2022 with:
Brown Management Services Enterprises, Inc., 1129 Brett Drive, Suite C, Conyers, GA 30094
Amount Not To Exceed: $180,000.00
1. LSBE Participation: 25%
2. Contract Effective Date: October 13, 2020
3. Contract Expiration Date: October 31, 2021
4. Amount Spent To Date: $0.00
5. Funding: $150,000.00 - Enterprise - Operating (DWM)
$30,000.00 - Enterprise - Operating (R&D)