Purchasing Type: Sole Source (SS)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): ALL
SS - LexisNexis® Desk Officer Reporting System (“DORS”), support, maintenance, and training (Sole Source - Multiyear Contract): for use by Police Services (PS). Consists of providing five (5) years of DORS licenses, support, maintenance, and training. Awarded to LexisNexis Coplogic Solutions, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $367,672.92.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, CPPO, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Consists of providing proprietary software licenses, support, maintenance, and training. The DORS can assist in: (1) reducing time spent on lower priority calls in the Dispatch Center when there is no suspect on scene; (2) giving citizens the ability to fill out their own incident information online, without an Officer having to be on scene, for incidents such as: custody dispute, property damage, dine & dash, fraud, harassing communication, lost property, theft/stolen property lists, etc.; and (3) online report submittal for review and acceptance or rejection, before being committed to the Records Management System (RMS/NIBRS). This request is to establish a five-year contract.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval of the sole source with:
LexisNexis Coplogic Solutions, Inc., 1000 Alderman Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30005
Amount Not To Exceed: $367,672.92
and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract and all associated documents.
1. Contract Effective Date: Date of Award
2. Contract Expiration Date: December 31, 2028
3. Funding: Police (PS) Fund 274