Purchasing Type: Change Order (CO)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): District 3 and District 7
CO - Change Order No. 18 to Contract No. 972548 Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facilities Expansion - Phase 2: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of the phase 2 expansion to the Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility; inclusive of site preparation, modification of existing structures, and the construction of new structures. This request is to increase the contract term through December 31, 2025. Awarded to Archer Western Construction, LLC. CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Chief Procurement Officer
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Awarded by the BOC on June 9, 2015 for an amount not to exceed $187,869,380.00. On November 13, 2018, the BOC approved Change Order No. 1 to increase the contract term to December 31, 2020 and funding by an amount not to exceed $350,797.46; Change Order No. 2 to increase funding by an amount not to exceed $599,549.04; and Change Order No. 3 to increase the contract time by 90 days. On April 23, 2019, the BOC approved Change Order No. 4 to increase contract time by 120 days and funding by an amount not to exceed $1,650,000.00; Change Order No. 5 to increase funding by an amount not to exceed $465,000.00; and Change Order No. 6 to increase funding by an amount not to exceed $106,519.11. On November 12, 2019, the BOC approved Change Order No. 7 to increase funding by an amount not to exceed $271,526.74 and Change Order No. 8 to add a line item and increase funding by an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00. On June 9, 2020, the BOC approved Change Order No. 9 to increase funding by an amount not to exceed $225,345.72. On December 8, 2020, the BOC approved Change Order No. 10 to i...
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