Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs
Commission District(s): 3 and 6
To accept a donation $26,000 from the Intown Atlanta Golf Club, Inc. for DeKalb Memorial Park
Information Contact: Chuck O. Ellis, Director RPCA
Phone Number: 404-371-2475
To accept donated amenities from Intown Atlanta Disc Golf Club, Inc. which includes tee pads, signage, site amenities, and an informational kiosk to be installed at DeKalb Memorial Park for the disc golf course.
Intown Atlanta Disc Golf Club, Inc. has partnered with DeKalb County Recreation, Parks & Cultural Affairs to clear and install a disc golf course at DeKalb Memorial Park. Once the clearing has been completed, the baskets, tee pads, and site amenities will be donated to complete the course. The disc golf course will be an enhancement to the park which is included within the visioning plan. The disc golf course will be the second one located within unincorporated DeKalb County. Intown Atlanta Disc Golf Club, Inc, in partnership with the Department, is committed to improving DeKalb Memorial Park and creating additional recreational space for park patrons.
The donation is valued at $26,000
Recommended Action
To approve the resolution to accept donated amenities from Intown Atlanta Disc Golf Club, Inc. which includes tee pads, signage, site amenities, and an informational kiosk to be installed at DeKalb Memorial Park for the disc golf course; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary documents to complete the project.