Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District: 02 Super District: 06
Application of David Kirk to request a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a drive through facility in Town Center Character Area, at 3795 North Druid Hills Road.
PETITION NO: D7. SLUP-21-1244886 (2021-2639)
PROPOSED USE: Drive through facility.
LOCATION: 3795 North Druid Hills Road.
PARCEL NO. : 18-100-04-019
INFO. CONTACT: Dustin Jackson, Sr. Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-6283
Application of David Kirk to request a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a drive through facility in Town Center Character Area. The property is located on the southeast corner of North Druid Hills Road and Birch Road, at 3795 North Druid Hills Road, Decatur, Georgia. The property has 233 feet of frontage on North Druid Hills Road and 198 feet of frontage on Birch Road and contains 1.04 acres.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: (12/14/2021) Approval. (10/12/201) Approval. (8/17/2021) Approval.
PLANNING COMMISSION: (1/06/2022) Defer to BOC. (11/4/2021) Full Cycle Deferral. (9/9/2021) 2-Cycle Deferral.
STAFF ANALYSIS: Based on the impact analysis and land use analysis above, the Special Land Use Permit request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan intent for Town Center character areas: "The intent of the Town Center is to promote the concentration of residential and commercial structures, which serve many communities in order to reduce automobile travel, promote walkability and increased transit usage. The areas consist of a focal point for several neighborhoods with a variety of activities such as general retail, commercial, professional office, higher-density housing, and appropriate public and open space uses that are easily accessible by pedestrians. This character area is similar to n...
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