Purchasing Type: Renewal (REN)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): ALL
REN - Cooperative Agreement for Facility Maintenance Solutions Contract No. 1262442: for use by the Sheriff’s Office. This contract consists of piggybacking off the competitively let Statewide Contract (SWC) No. 99999-SPD0000154-0001 for preventative maintenance services for the County Jail. Awarded to: CGL Facility Management LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $939,741.39.
Information Contact: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer
Phone Number: (404) 371-6334
Awarded by the BOC on August 10, 2021, for an amount not to exceed $1,789,983.59. Consists of piggybacking off the competitively let SWC No. 99999-SPD0000154-0001 for the delivery of complete, high-quality, preventative and corrective maintenance (e.g. trash compactor, pump station, food service equipment, laundry, plumbing, electrical equipment, security and alarm systems and roofing) services for the County Jail. This request is for the renewal of the contract on a month-to-month basis not to exceed six (6) months, to include a 13.33% approved ECI adjustment and a 5% increase due to inflation and increased operating costs while a solicitation process is undertaken.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval of the renewal on a month-to-month basis for a maximum of six (6) months with:
CGL Facility Management LLC, 795 E. Lanier Ave., Fayetteville, GA 30214
Amount Not To Exceed: $939,741.39 ($156,623.56/monthly)
1. Contract Effective Date: August 15, 2018
2. Contract Expiration Date: July 14, 2022
3. Amount Spent to Date: $1,589,169.83
4. Funding General - Operating (Sheriff’s)