Purchasing Type: Ratification (RA)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): 3 and 6
RA - Ratification of property at 2055 Bouldercrest Road (Michele Obama Park)-Erosion Issues and Property Protection Rider (Emergency): for use by Recreation Parks and Culture Affairs (RPCA). Purchase Order (PO) 1297476 has been issued in the amount of $189,381.00 as emergency purchase request. Consists of the removal and re-installation of silt fencing to stabilize slope erosion issues and runoff onto neighboring properties. An additional $14,278.00 is being requested for future purchase of a property/equipment protection rider to contractor's insurance policy. Recommend approval to ratify this emergency purchase with EFS, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $203,659.00.
Information Contact: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer
Phone Number: (404) 371-6334
The property at 2055 Bouldercrest Road is listed as being owned by DeKalb County, near Entrenchment Park and the Old Atlanta Prison, comprised of fifteen (15) acres of bare dirt with little to no vegetation. There is an issue with runoff of silt and an un-stabilized slope (erosion issues). The property has been abandoned by the contractor, and the site needs to be stabilized to cease runoff onto neighboring properties. The emergency service will remove and reinstall silt fence, dig up and retrieve sediment that has gone past the silt fence, track in and seed all slopes (including erosion control matting) as well as tracking in the flat surface of the project. It is anticipated to leave the standing water 'pond' on site to control runoff but plans to add a slope drain-pipe to convey water down the slope and prevent additional erosion and soil loss. EFS, Inc. has been issued an emergency purchase order to stabilize the project site at 2055 Bouldercrest...
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