Purchasing Type: Cooperative Agreement (CA)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): ALL
CA - Cooperative Agreement for Audio Visual Implementation: for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). Consists of piggybacking off The Interlocal Purchasing Systems (TIPS USA) Contract No. 220704 for implementation of a complete Audio Visual (AV) solution. Awarded to BIS Digital, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed $547,268.39.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Consists of piggybacking off The Interlocal Purchasing Systems (TIPS USA) Contract No. 220704 for implementation of a complete AV solution for all departments in the Sam’s Street location. This request will ensure efficient servicing and problem resolution with in-house IT technical staff.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval to purchase off TIPS USA Contract No. 220704 with:
BIS Digital, Inc., 1350 NE 56th Street, Suite 300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Amount Not To Exceed: $547,268.39
1. Contract Effective Date: September 22, 2022
2. Contract Expiration Date: November 30, 2023
3. Funding: General - Operating (DoIT)