Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Human Services
Commission District(s): All
Acceptance of ARPA fund from the Atlanta Regional Commission in the amount of $1,278,400 to provide Transportation, Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals to DeKalb County seniors - at a cost to the County of $81,600
Information Contact: Damon Scott
Phone Number: 404-687-2385
To consider accepting ARPA funds in the amount of $1,278,400 from the Atlanta Regional Commission for Transportation, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; to approve the required match in the amount of $81,600 and; to consider authorizing the Finance Department to issue payments to the subcontractor using the federal funds.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) received additional funding for senior services and requested applications from the County Based Agencies in the region. The Human Services department is the County Based Program/Nutrition Provider in DeKalb County and provides services to its aging population. The department applied and was awarded ARPA funding from ARC for Transportation, Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals. It is estimated that 295 additional seniors will be served. The required match of $81,600 plus the federal funds of $1,278,400 brings the overall total funding to $1,360,000 .
There is a required match of 6% - $81,600 that will be requested in the 2023 Human Services budget.
Recommended Action
Accept and appropriate to the grant fund, the ARPA funds of $1,278,400 from the Atlanta Regional Commission for Transportation, Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; approvc the required match in the amount of $81,600; authoriz4e the Finance Department to issue payments to the subcontractors using...
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