Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Sheriff's Office
Commission District(s): All Districts
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Installation and Services - Installation/Service Fee: $1600 per month during the Term, payable monthly and subject to annual adjustments by an amount not to exceed 5% - Term: Five (5) years from the Effective Date.
Information Contact: Sheriff Melody Maddox and Senior Fiscal Officer Carla Campbell
Phone Number: 404-298-8157 and 404-298-8161
To approve the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Installation and Services Agreement to install Electric Vehicle charging-station equipment to provide Electric Vehicle charging functionality for the employees of the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, DeKalb County Government, and the community at large.
To provide safe and energy efficient electric vehicle charging stations that will support county employees and the community at large while reducing carbon emissions and collecting data to make energy efficient decisions. These charging stations will particularly provide much-needed efficient electric vehicle charging stations that will support county employees of the Sheriff’s office who have been issued electric vehicles as part of the Sheriff’s Office recruitment and retention initiative.
Five (5) year agreement costing $19,200 per year with an annual adjustment not to exceed 5%. Revenue share equaling 100% of net revenue collected by EnviroSpark from the use of the equipment at the site(s) will be payable to the county on a quarterly basis. "Net Revenue" is defined as Gross Sales less: payment processing fees ($0.30 per transaction, 2.9% of transaction) and driver web application fees (3%).
Recommended Action
To approve the resolution and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute all necessary documents...