Purchasing Type: Cooperative Agreement (CA)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
SWC - Statewide Contract Nos.: 99999-001-SPD0000198-0031 and 99999-001-SPD0000198-0012 Office, Computer, and Educational Furniture: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of purchasing from competitively let statewide contracts for the purchase of furniture to outfit the Snapfinger Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sams Street administration buildings. Awarded to Affordable Interior Systems, Inc. and Exemplis, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $396,322.96.
Information Contact: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager - CIP
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Consists of purchasing from the competitively let Statewide Contract Nos. 99999-001-SPD0000198-0031 and 99999-001-SPD0000198-0012 to purchase office, computer, and educational furniture for the new Snapfinger Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sams Street administration buildings.
This substitute is being submitted to revise the request in its entirety.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval to purchase from Statewide Contract Nos.: 99999-001-SPD0000198-0031 and 99999-001-SPD0000198-0012 with:
Exemplis, LLC, 6415 Katella Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630
Amount Not To Exceed: $58,686.81
Affordable Interior Systems, Inc., 25 Tucker Drive, Leominster, MA 001453
Amount Not To Exceed: $337,636.15
Total Amount Not To Exceed: $396,322.96
1. Contract Effective Date: Date of Award
2. Contract Expiration Date: November 30, 2025
3. Funding: Enterprise - Renewal & Extensions (CIP Line 68) (DWM)