Purchasing Type: Change Order (CO)
Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 5 to Contract No. 1322132 Information Technology Consultants (Multiyear): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). This contract consists of providing consultants to work on developing new application systems, installing and maintaining systems, and other IT projects for the County. This request seeks to increase the contract term through June 30, 2024. Awarded to HTC Global Services, Inc. (HTC). CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY.
Information Contact: Michelle N. Butler, Procurement Manager
Phone Number: (404) 687-3581
Awarded by the BOC, on February 9, 2016, for an amount not to exceeded $8,900,000.00. On July 10, 2018, the BOC approved Change Order No. 1 for a consent of assignment, transferring all funds and rights from Ciber, Inc. to Ciber Global, LLC. On November 19, 2019, the BOC approved Change Order No. 2 for an amount not to exceed $3,500,000.00 and to increase the contract term through December 31, 2021. On August 10, 2021, the BOC approved Change Order No. 3 for an amount not to exceed $3,500,000.00 and to increase the contract term through December 31, 2023. On March 28, 2023, the BOC approved Change Order No. 4 for an amount not to exceed $7,200,000.00 and for a consent of assignment, transferring all funds and rights from Ciber Global, LLC to HTC. This request seeks to increase the contract term through June 30, 2024. This will allow additional time to procure a new contract.
This substitute is submitted to revise the recommended request.
Recommended Action
Recommend approval of Change Order No. 5 with:
HTC Global Services, Inc., 3270 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI 48084
Amount Not To Exceed: $3,371,052.00
and authorize the Chi...
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