Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 9/3/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Manuel J. Maloof Auditorium
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2019-4099 1  OrdinanceCommission District(s): 4 and 6 An Ordinance to Amend the Code of DeKalb County, Georgia - Parking Restrictions on Blueberry Trail, Country Squire Drive, Delcourt Drive, Harcourt Drive, and Mount Olive Driveaccepted to BOC agenda - Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2019-4157 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 & 6 Traffic Calming Petition - Otello Avenue between Erskine Road and Williams Street/Cimarron Drive. No Cost to County.accepted to BOC agenda - Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2019-4189 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3,5,6 & 7 Acceptance of a Grant from the United Way of Greater Atlanta in the amount of $11,500 to recruit volunteers for a tutoring program to help improve literacy skills in students living in DeKalb- at no cost to the CountyAccepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2019-4175 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts 2019 Auction List of DeKalb County Vehicles, Pieces of Equipment & Warehouse FurnitureAccepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2019-4155 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 and 7 Appropriation of Funds for Rockbridge Road Stormwater Management Pond RetrofitAccepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4050 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CA- Cooperative Agreement for Public Safety Two-Way Radios: for use by Police Services (PS). This contract consists of the purchase of new portable radios and chargers. Awarded to Motorola Solutions, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $409,378.02.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4027 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 1081988 for Professional Services for the Implementation of Oracle Hyperion Planning and Budgeting Cloud Services for Public Sector: for the Department of Innovation and Technology (IT) for use by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This contract consists of providing services that streamline the budget preparation process and enhance the County’s ability to track and manage budgets in real-time. This request is to add an additional funding and extend the contract term to December 31, 2021. Awarded to Deloitte Consulting, LLP. Amount Not To Exceed: $9,534.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4086 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL REN - Repair of Equipment: All Automobiles, On-the-Road, Off-the-Road, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Trucks, Trailers and Motorized Equipment (Annual Contract - 1st of 2 Options to Renew): Contract Nos.: 1131126, 1130730, 1131165, 1131291, 1130733, 1131262, 1130975, 1131127, 1131275, 1131352, 1130740, 1130827, 1130764, 1131128, 1131139, 1130747, 1131368, 1130750, 1130979, 1131371, 1131295, 1131268, 1135749, 1131132, 1130801, 1130726, 1130884, 1130795, 1130888, 1130960, 1131373, 1130885, 1130753, 1130767, 1130869, 1130727, 1131167, 1130770, 1131178, 1130972, 1130886, 1130729, 1130944, 1130822, 1130732, 1130828, 1130734, 1131269, 1130806, 1131264, 1131180, 1130889, 1131608, 1131436, 1130776, 1130775, 1131279, 1131370 and 1130717 for use by Public Works - Fleet Management. These contracts consist of obtaining repairs to keep vehicles on the road and equipment operating in the field from qualified and /or manufacturer dealers when the required repair is beyond the capability or expertise of Fleet Management personnel. Awarded to 59 vendors (please see list beloAccepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-3912 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL REN - Asbestos Abatement, Demolition and Debris Removal (Annual Contract - 1st Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract Nos.: 1126726, 1126727 and 1126728 for use by the Department of Community Development (CD). These contracts consist of asbestos abatement, demolition and debris removal services. Awarded to Complete Demolition Services, LLC, Kissberg Construction & Demolition and Diversified Environmental Management, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $600,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4024 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 5 & 7 LB - Invitation To Bid No. 19-101084 Lou Walker Senior Center Classroom Renovation: for use by the Department of Community Development (CD). Consists of the augmentation of the Lou Walker Senior Center by converting offices into classrooms. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: Ward-Humphrey, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $336,667.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4043 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 1 & 6 CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1127550 for Runway Incursion Mitigation - Phase I Project at DeKalb-Peachtree Airport: for use by the DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (Airport). This contract consists of removing and replacing the Airport’s runway materials, lights, and markings to improve airport safety. Awarded to Astra Group, Inc. CONTRACT TERM EXTENSION ONLY.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4049 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All REN - Testing Services for Soil and Materials (Annual Contract - 2nd Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract Nos.: 1073330, 1073319, 1073328 and 1073331 for use by the Departments of Facilities Management (FM), Watershed Management (DWM), and Public Works - Transportation and Roads and Drainage (R&D). These contracts consist of providing testing services for soils and materials. Awarded to Matrix Engineering Group, Inc., Corporate Environmental Risk Management, LLC, Oasis Consulting Services, and Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $790,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4120 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All REN - Ferric Chloride (Annual Contract - 1st Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract No. 1127398 for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of providing ferric chloride to clarify and dewater sludge for sanitary wastewater treatment. Awarded to PVS Technologies, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $850,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4129 3  ResolutionCommission District(s): All REN - Water & Wastewater Treatment Chemicals (Annual Contract - 2nd Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract Nos.: 1078248, 1078280, 1078335, 1078400 and 1159365 for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). These contracts consist of purchasing various chemicals to treat wastewater. Awarded to Polydyne, Inc., Chemrite, Inc., Brenntag Mid-South, Inc., Premier Magnesia and C & S Chemicals. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $2,698,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4133 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL LB - Invitation No. 19-101121 Trailer Landfill Tipper: for Public Works - Fleet Management to be used by Public Works - Sanitation. Consists of two (2) Low Profile Truck Trailer Landfill Tippers to be used to lift the garbage trailers and dump the garbage out the rear of the trailer onto the landfill. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: Columbia Industries, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $1,079,638.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4186 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CA - Cooperative Agreement for Maintenance, Repair, Operating Supplies, Industrial Supplies, (MRO) and Related Products and Services: for use by the Departments of Facilities Management (FM), Fleet Management, Public Works - Roads and Drainage (R&D) and Sanitation, Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs (RPCA) and Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of the purchase of maintenance, repair, operating supplies, industrial supplies and related products and services for use in making repairs and improvements to County-owned facilities. Awarded to Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $592,654.57.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2019-4229 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Appointment of Alden Brown to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) Region 3 Advisory Councilaccepted to BOC agenda - Appointment  Action details Not available
2019-4230 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Appointment of Mary Gene Lee to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) Region 3 Advisory Councilaccepted to BOC agenda - Appointment  Action details Not available
2019-4231 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Appointment of Cicely Austin to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) Region 3 Advisory Councilaccepted to BOC agenda - Appointment  Action details Not available
2019-4254 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 1 & 6 To Transfer $125,000.00 from District 1 Park Bond Funds (POETA 104863.80314.541200.314) to the City of Dunwoody for the Purchase of 8 Acres of Park Land.Accepted to the BOC agenda – Preliminary  Action details Not available
2019-4252 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): District 3 Improve the A/V Equipment at Porter Sanford III Performing Arts & Community CenterAccepted to the BOC agenda – Preliminary  Action details Not available
2019-4206 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 23, 2019Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2019-4207 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approval of Minutes of the Zoning Meeting of July 23, 2019Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2019-4208 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approval of Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of August 6, 2019Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2019-3325 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Amendments to DeKalb County Purchasing Ordinance   Action details Not available
2019-3826 1  OrdinanceCommission District(s): All An Ordinance to Amend the Chapter 13.5 (Historic Preservation)   Action details Not available
2019-3855 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 2021 Cedar Grove Road, Conley, GA 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-3941 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 & 7 To Consider Consenting to the Deannexation of Property at 546 Carillon Lane, Stone Mountain, GA. 30083   Action details Not available
2019-3985 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 2037 Cedar Grove Road, Conley, GA 30288   Action details Not available
2019-3989 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 2029 Cedar Grove Road, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-3990 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 2025 Cedar Grove Road, Conley, GA 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-3992 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 2017 Cedar Grove Road, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-3993 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 4228 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-3994 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 4221 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-3995 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 4215 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-4108 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 4191 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-4111 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of An Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property At 4209 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-4113 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 4203 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-4114 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 3 & 6 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 4197 Cedar Commons Way, Conley, GA, 30288.   Action details Not available
2019-4115 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 & 6 A Resolution to Declare County Real Property as Surplus and Authorize its Sale - 3196 Zion Street, Scottdale, GA, 30079, Parcel Identification Number 18-046-03-129.   Action details Not available
2019-4118 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 & 6 A Resolution to Declare County Real Property as Surplus and Authorize its Sale - 3190 Zion Street, Scottdale, GA, 30079, Parcel Identification Number 18-046-03-127.   Action details Not available
2019-4028 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL REN - HVAC Equipment, Installation, Service and Related Products (1st Renewal of 4 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Facilities Management (FM). This contract consists of providing additional heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) services, supplies and maintenance as needed. Awarded to Daikin Applied Americas Inc. dba Daikin Applied. Amount Not To Exceed: $350,000.00.   Action details Not available
2019-4048 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 989294 for Preferred Digital Multi-Functional Imaging Devices (MFD) Supplier (Multiyear Contract): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (IT). This contract consists of the lease/purchase of multifunctional copiers with copying, faxing, printing, and scanning capabilities to be used by all County departments. Awarded to Xerox Corporation. Amount Not To Exceed $900,000.00.   Action details Not available
2019-4051 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CA - Cooperative Agreement for Kronos Technical Software and Equipment Support Services: for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (IT). Consists of piggybacking off the competitively let OMNIA Partners (previously U.S. Communities) Contract No. 18220, Lead Agency, Cobb County, Georgia for the purchase of software, hardware, support and maintenance of the Kronos equipment. Awarded to Kronos, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $127,953.72.   Action details Not available
2019-4088 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 & 6 RA - Juvenile Justice Court Center Parking Deck Structural Repairs (Emergency): for use by Facilities Management (FM). Consists of the repair and waterproofing of the Juvenile Justice Court Center parking deck. Recommend approval to ratify the emergency purchase with Metro Waterproofing, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $330,370.00.   Action details Not available
2019-3998 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All SS - Enterprise License Agreement (Sole Source): for use by the Department of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). This contract consists of proprietary software that allows the County the capability to create publicly accessible GIS Apps/Dashboards/Maps, deploy software and is fully integrated into other departmental workflows and business systems. Awarded to: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $1,584,000.00.   Action details Not available
2019-3774 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approval and Authorization to Execute Professional Consulting Services to DeKalb County Office of the Chief Executive Officer: for use by the Office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of providing consulting services to review the County's Consent Decree Program. Awarded to VNF Solutions, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $200,000.00.   Action details Not available