Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/4/2021 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Manuel J. Maloof Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2021-2394 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CA - Cooperative Agreement for Law Enforcement Equipment: for use by Police Services (PS). This contract consists of the purchase, training, and support of Conducted Electrical Weapons (CEW). Awarded to: AXON Enterprise, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $3,312,366.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2418 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL SS - Oracle Technical Support Services and Software Licensing (Annual Maintenance Renewal): Contract Nos.: 1247705, 1247711, 1247713 and 1247714 for use by the Departments of Innovation and Technology (IT). This contract consists of the provision of licensing and support for all Oracle Applications. Awarded to Oracle America, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $1,197,487.49Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2402 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All LB - Invitation No. 20-101297 Valve and Wet Tap Installation Services (Three (3) Year Multiyear Contract): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the installation of valves and wet taps for fire hydrant repairs. One (1) bid was received. Recommend award to the sole, responsive and responsible bidder: Georgia Hydrant Services, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $706,635.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2439 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1102179 for Sanitary Sewer Chemical Root Control (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of sanitary sewer chemical root control. Awarded to Duke’s Root Control, Inc. Amount Not to Exceed: $900,000.00Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2440 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract Nos: 1103755 and 1103756 for Sanitary Sewer Easement Clearing (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew) for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). These contracts consist of providing easement clearing on the sanitary sewer system as part of the Consent Decree. Awarded to Georgia Power Company and Casey Tree Expert, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $900,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2445 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1172163 for Water Meters and Parts (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of the purchase of water meters and parts. Awarded to Kendall Supply, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $6,000,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2448 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All LB - Invitation No. 20-101321 Disaster Recovery and Sewage Cleaning Services (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Departments of Watershed Management (DWM) and Facilities Management (FM). Consists of providing disaster recovery cleaning services of water and sewage and supplementary services for repair to systems affected by spills from heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Bell Restoration Services, Inc. dba SERVPRO of Stone Mountain/Clarkston, Full Circle Restoration, and Belfor USA Group. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $800,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2469 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 5 LB - Invitation No. 20-101278 for Application of Herbicides at Pole Bridge Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (Multiyear Contract): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the purchase of services for application of herbicides at Pole Bridge Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: NaturChem, Inc. Amount Not to Exceed $224,784.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2470 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All LB - Invitation No. 20-101310 for Diving Services (Three (3) Year Multiyear Contract): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the diving services for the removal of blockages that inhibit proper flow of water in various raw water pump stations. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Underwater Construction Corporation and Zion Marine, Inc. Total Amount Not to Exceed: $1,350,000.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2491 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CO 5 - Purchase of Trailers (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew) Contract No. 1109393 for Public Works - Sanitation: for use by Public Works Road & Drainage (R&D). This contract consists of providing mobile office trailers. Awarded to McGrath Rentcorp dba Modular Management Corporation. Amount Not To Exceed: $101,383.00.Accepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2514 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CO - Change Order No. 3 for Contract Nos.: 1063844 and 1063841 and Change Order No. 4 for Contract Nos.: 1063831 and 1068774 Annual Water & Sewer Construction (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). These contracts consist of primarily providing installation and repair of water and sewer pipes in various sizes. This request is to increase the contract term through September 30, 2021 to Contract Nos.: 1063844 and 1063841 as well as increase funding and the contract term through December 31, 2021 to Contract Nos.: 1063831 and 1068774. Awarded to GS Construction, Inc., SD&C, Inc., Granite Inliner, LLC and The Renee Group/CamKen Consulting (RGI/CamKen JV). Total Amount Not to Exceed: $2,919,395.00.held off of the agenda (pending further review)  Action details Not available
2021-2499 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 2 &6 Georgia Department of Transportation Contract Item Agreement - Water and Sewer Facilities Project PI M006145 resurface State Route 155 from State Route 10 to State Route 13 in DeKalb County - ResurfacingAccepted to the BOC agenda and assigned  Action details Not available
2021-2552 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): District 2 Record Appointment of Ron Nawrocki as the District 2 Representative to the Watershed Customer Service and Billing Advisory Groupaccepted to BOC agenda - Appointment  Action details Not available
2021-2527 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approval of Minutes for the May 4, 2021 Committee of the Whole MeetingAccepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2021-2557 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): District 7 To appropriate a total of $15,000 from the Reserve for Appropriation to the Atlanta Community Food Bank in partnership with Soldiers’ Angels for the purpose of providing three mobile food distributions to DeKalb Veterans.Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2021-2558 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): District 7 To appropriate a total of $40,000 from the Reserve for Appropriation to the United Way of Greater Atlanta to assist with funding the AARP Foundation Experience Corps Program in DeKalb County Schools.Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2021-2530 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approve the Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of April 20, 2021Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2021-2550 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 27, 2021Accepted to the BOC agenda - Consent   Action details Not available
2021-2449 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Approve the Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of April 6, 2021   Action details Not available
2021-2517 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Districts 5 & 7 Acquisition of 7558 Pleasant Hill Road, Lithonia, Georgia 30058 (16-188-04-033).   Action details Not available
2021-2095 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CA - Cooperative Agreement for Desk/Cubicle Office Furniture: for use by the Department of Voter Registration and Elections (VRE). Consists of piggybacking off the competitively let Statewide Contract (SWC) No. 99999-001-SPD-0000100-0002 for the purchase and installation of desk/cubicle furniture. Awarded to: 5-Star Office Furniture, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $135,136.75.   Action details Not available