| 1 | | | Ordinance | COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 2 Super District 6
Application of Fariz Morani for a Special Land Use Permit ( SLUP) to operate a drive through coffee shop within C-1 (Local Commercial) zoning district and within a Town Center (TC) Activity Center, at 3823 North Druid Hills Road. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 & 7
Traffic Calming Petition - Overlook Way between Foster Ridge Road and Overlook Drive. Cost to the County is $9,860. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 3 and 6
Septic to Sewer Petition - Cougar Court - Ellenwood, Georgia | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Appointment to the DeKalb County Public Library Board of Trustees - Ms. Hillary Gardner | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 6
Standardized T-Hangar Space Lease Agreement with Philip Reid. There is no cost to the County. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 6
Standardized T-Hangar Shop Space Lease Agreement with Philip Reid. There is no cost to the County. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 6
Termination of Standardized T-Hangar Space Lease Agreement with Michael Nies. There is no cost to the County. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
Approval of Minutes for the January 7, 2025 Committee of the Whole Meeting | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Appropriation of $35,000 from District 2 American Rescue Plan Interest Account to Decatur Cooperative Ministries for Hagar House Repairs | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Commissioners Meeting of November 19, 2024 | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Commissioners Meeting of December 17, 2024 | | |
Not available
| 2 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Approve a Sublease Agreement Between DeKalb County, Georgia and Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (“MARTA”) from DeKalb County Contract #1014517 | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts
Nomination of a Presiding Officer | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts
Nomination of a Deputy Presiding Officer | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
FY25 Grant Award EMS Trauma Related Equipment with the Georgia Trauma Commission | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Subgrant Agreement with Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)/ Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant for funds towards the Purchase of a Mobile Ambulance Bus and associated equipment. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): Countywide
Acceptance of $800,000.00 of Safe Streets and Roads for All Funds from the Federal Highway Administration for Development of a Safety Action Plan | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 7
Acceptance of $800,000.00 of Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Funds for North Fork Peachtree Creek Greenway | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1241890 False Alarm Billing and Tracking Services (City of Brookhaven Contract No. 130415) [Revenue Sharing - Cooperative Agreement]: for use by the Department of Police Services (PS). This contract consists of the management of false alarms in accordance with County Ordinance O.C.G.A 36-60-13. This request seeks to ratify a previously provided (45) forty-five day contract term increase, effective January 1, 2025. This request also seeks to increase the contract funds and term through December 31, 2025. Awarded to Superion, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $500,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 1264031 Batteries for Two-Way Radios (Annual Contract With 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Departments of Public Safety Police Services
(PS) and Fire Rescue. This contract consists of providing batteries for two-way Radios. This request seeks to increase contract funds and add Public Works - Sanitation (PW-Sanitation), Sheriff’s Office, and Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs (RPCA) for use. Additionally, this request seeks to reserve the right to transfer funds between contracts based on the needs of the County. Awarded to Motorola Solutions. Amount Not To Exceed: $199,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 7 to Contract Nos.: 1213631, 1213634 and 1213635 Commercial Janitorial Services (Multiyear Contract): for use by the Departments of Facilities Management (FM) and Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs (RPCA). These contracts consist of the development, management, and monitoring of high quality commercial janitorial/cleaning/ custodial services and Day Porters. This request seeks to ratify payments made to close out October through December 2024 invoices. This request also seeks to ratify a previously provided (45) forty-five day contract term increase, effective December 31, 2024. Lastly, this request seeks to increase contract funds and term through June 30, 2025. Awarded to: Building Maintenance Services, Cleanstar National, Inc., and A-Action Janitorial. Amount Not To Exceed: $3,684,471.76. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CA - Cooperative Agreement for Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) Supplies, Parts, Equipment, Materials, and Related Services (OMNIA Partners Contract No. 240078-01) (Multi-year with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Departments of Facilities Management (FM), Watershed Management (DWM), Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs (RPCA), Police Services (PS), Property Appraisal & Assessment, Fire Rescue (FR), Sanitation, Beautification (PWB), DeKalb County Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), Voter Registration and Elections (VRE), and Fleet Management. Awarded to W. W. Grainger, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $3,323,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1352862, Statewide Contract (SWC) No. 99999-SPD-S20200901-007 Indefinite Quantity Construction Contract: for use by the Department of Facilities Management (FM). This contract consists of purchasing from the competitively let SWC for Indefinite Quantity Construction. This request seeks to increase contract funds to allow for the build out of State Court Division B. Awarded to: F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $121,493.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
REN - Contract No. 1245846 Network Professional Services & Monitoring (Annual Contract- 4th Renewal of 4 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). This contract consists of providing managed network services and maintenance support for the enterprise local wide area County voice and data network. This request seeks to exercise the 4th renewal option through March 31, 2026 and also seeks a consent to assignment to transfer the existing contract funds and term from Layer 3 Communications, LLC to MGT Impact Solutions, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed $1,363,471.86. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 1361554 Commercial Mover to Transport Voting Equipment and Materials (Emergency): for use by the Department of Voters Registration and Elections (VRE). This contract consists of providing services to transport election equipment and materials to polling sites for the 2025 election cycles. This request seeks to ratify previously provided forty-five (45) day contract term increase, effective January 1, 2025. This request also seeks approval to increase the contract term through December 31, 2025 to continue services for the 2025 election cycles. Awarded to Ryder Transportation Services, Inc. CONTRACT TERM EXTENSION ONLY. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
REN - Contract Nos.: 1359735, 1360830, and 1363193 Tree Cutting and Removal Services for RPCA (Annual Contract - 1st Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs (RPCA). These contracts consist of providing tree cutting and removal services for County owned facilities. This request seeks to exercise the 1st renewal option through January 31, 2026. This request also seeks to reserve the right to transfer funds between contracts based on the needs of the County. Awarded to: One Two Tree LLC, Sesmas Tree Service LLC, and Casey Tree Experts Inc. Total Amount Not to Exceed: $450,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 4 & 6
LB - Invitation No. 24-101694 North Indian Creek Drive Traffic Signal and Pavement Marking (270 Days): for use by the Department of Public Works - Transportation (PW-T). Consists of the installation of a traffic signal and pavement marking on North Indian Creek Drive. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: NGT Group Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $529,761.26. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Resolution In Support of the City of Chamblee’s Request that the General Assembly Amend the City of Chamblee’s Charter to Provide for the Election of City Council Members by Single District and to Urge the Review of Other Similar Charters. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): Districts 1, 2, and 6
A Resolution Supporting Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Buford Highway in DeKalb County, Georgia | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of DeKalb County, Georgia, to Establish a Plan for Addressing Homelessness and to Support the Housing First Model | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
A Resolution to Allocate DeKalb County Funding for the Creation of a Land Trust for DeKalb County | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
A Resolution to Establish the Environmental Justice and Sustainability Resident Advisory Group | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All DeKalb County Commission Districts
A Resolution to Create a “Sustainability Fund” to Support Mitigating Climate Change, Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Reaching Clean Energy Goals, Improving Resiliency in Our Neighborhoods and County Facilities, and Creating Local, Green Jobs | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
Approval of Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of December 3, 2024. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Approve the Purchase of Software and Related Services from ForceMetrics, not to exceed $330,000. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
REN - Contract No. 1318937 Tires Recycling (Annual Contract 2nd and final renewal of 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Public Works - Sanitation. This contract consists of picking up and removing tires from the Seminole Landfill that were collected from illegal dump sites, residential homes and tire cleanup projects. This request seeks to exercise the 2nd and final renewal option through January 31, 2026. Awarded to Latham Home Sanitation Company, Inc. Amount Not to Exceed: $150,000.00 | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 3 and 6
Concept Study for Elimination of At-Grade Railroad Crossing on Constitution Road | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1231375 for EMS Billing Services for Fire Rescue DeKalb County, Georgia (Revenue Generating) (Multiyear): for use by the Department of Fire Rescue Services. Consists of providing billing services for ambulance “transports” and “non-transports” where on-scene emergency medical care has been provided. Awarded to: Digitech Computer, LLC. Revenue Generating Contract. CONTRACT TERM EXTENSION ONLY | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 1246736 Emergency Medical Supplies (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by Fire Rescue (FR). This contract consists of the purchase of emergency medical supplies for Fire Rescue and Emergency Medical Service unit/vehicles. This request seeks approval to increase the contract fund and to extend the contract term for six (6) months through June 30, 2025. Awarded to: Bound Tree Medical, LLC Amount Not To Exceed: $670,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
LB - Invitation No. 24-101688 Engine and Aerial Accessories for Fire Rescue (Annual Contract with 4 Options To Renew): for use by Fire Rescue (FR). Consists of purchasing engine and aerial accessories and equipment to outfit Departmental fleet purchases. This request also seeks to reserve the right to transfer funds between contracts based on the needs of the County. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Williams Fire Apparatus Inc., Ten8 Fire and Safety LLC, Fireline Inc., and Pro Fire and Tactical LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $2,987,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1191296 Motorola Radio Equipment, Installation, Maintenance, Repairs and Removal Services for DeKalb County Vehicles (Sole Source): for use by Police Services (PS) and other County departments. This contract consists of radio repairs and the installation and removal of equipment in County vehicles with Motorola radios. This request seeks to increase the contract term through December 31, 2025. Awarded to: Mobile Communications America, Inc. CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CA - Cooperative Agreement for Fuel Delivery with Related Services (Sourcewell Contract No. 121522-MNF): for use by Public Works-Fleet Management. Consists of a one (1) year purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel from the competitively let Sourcewell contract in support of the operation of County vehicles and equipment. Awarded to Mansfield Oil Co. of Gainesville, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $7,300,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 1251271 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Facilities Management (FM). This contract consists of providing preventive maintenance services for UPS systems. This request is to increase contract funds and extend the contract term through December 31, 2025. Awarded to: AC & DC Power Technologies LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $425,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 5 to Contract No. 1171242 Implementation of Cityworks Asset Management Platform (Annual Contract With 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) to be used by the Department of Public Works - Roads and Drainage (R&D) and Facilities Management (FM). This contract consists of providing implementation services for Cityworks Asset Management software. This request seeks to extend the contract through December 31, 2025. Awarded to Woolpert, Inc. CONTRACT TERM EXTENSION ONLY | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CA-General Services Administration (GSA) Cooperative Agreement No. GS-30F-0012T-Mobile Fire Training Trailer: for use by Public Works-Fleet Management to be used by Fire Rescue Services. This request is to purchase from the competitively let GSA Cooperative agreement for one (1) mobile fire training trailer to educate and train citizens and children about fire safety. Awarded to Mobile Concepts Specialty Vehicles. Amount Not To Exceed: $216,587.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 10 to Contract No. 1070633 End User Computing Statewide Contract (SWC): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). This request seeks to purchase from the competitively let SWC No. 99999-SPD0000161-0004 to purchase additional equipment to supply workers with laptops and peripherals such as docks. This request seeks to increase contract funds. Amount Not to Exceed: $2,500,000.00. Awarded to Dell Marketing L.P. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 11 to Contract No. 10-901833 Systems Maintenance and Support Agreement for Construction and Use Permits, Code Enforcement, Cashiering, Customer Services and Licensing (Multi-Year Contract): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (IT). This contract consists of implementing mobile capabilities and extends the contract to December 31, 2026. Awarded to Infor Public Sector, Inc. Amount Not to Exceed: $790,178.64. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 6 to Contract No. 1092092 GOV CX 311 Accelerator Services (Sole Source): for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). This contract consists of the implementation of the 311-system modernization. This request is to extend the contract term through December 31, 2025 and funding. Awarded to Speridian Technologies, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $100,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1309332 Cityworks Public Asset Management System (AMS)-Multi-Year Contract: for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). Consists of the implementation of a custom AMS for the Department of Facilities Management, Public Works - Roads and Drainage, Public Works - Traffic and the Department of Watershed Management (Pump Stations). This request seeks to increase the contract term through December 31, 2025. Awarded to Woolpert Inc. CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 & 6
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1378646 Airfield Lighting - LED Design at the DeKalb Peachtree (PDK) Airport: for use by the DeKalb Peachtree (PDK) Airport. This contract consists of upgrading the existing lighting systems from incandescent (quartz) to light-emitting diode (LED) systems at the PDK Airport. This request seeks to increase the contract’s term through July 31, 2025. Awarded to Trinity Electrical Services, Inc. CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
LB - Invitation No. 24-101677 Twenty (20) Ton Equipment Trailer: for use by Public Works-Fleet Management to be used by the Department of Roads & Drainage (R&D), Watershed Management (DWM) and Storm Water. Consists of the purchase of twenty-five (25) 20-ton equipment trailers used to haul various types of equipment to work sites throughout the County. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: JME Sales, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $549,600.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 3 to Contract Nos.: 1231540, 1231542, 1231546, 1231550 and 1231552 Engineering and Design Services for Public Works Transportation & Infrastructure (Multiyear Contract): for use by Public Works-Transportation (PW-Trans). These contracts consist of providing engineering services to initiate design of selected public works infrastructure improvement projects for the County. This request seeks approval to increase the contract term through December 31, 2025 for all contracts and also seeks to increase contract funds to Contract Nos.: 1231542, 1231546, and 1231552. Awarded to: AtkinsRealis USA, Inc., Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB), Inc.; Arcadis U.S. Inc.; Atlas Technical Consultants; and AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $1,000,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 6 to Contract No. 1124403 Teledyne ISCO Training and Support, Equipment, Software and Licenses, Part and Related System Components for Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring (sole Source): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of the provision of vendor support and training in the installation and maintenance of equipment, flow monitoring equipment, parts and related system components used in the completion of existing hydraulic modeling and sewer monitoring programs related to Consent Decree requirements. This request is to increase funding and continue with the use of the existing sole source vendor through December 31, 2025. Awarded to Teledyne Instruments, Inc. as a business unit Teledyne ISCO. Amount Not to Exceed: 3,000,000.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 3 and District 7
CO - Change Order No. 18 to Contract No. 972548 Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facilities Expansion - Phase 2: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of the phase 2 expansion to the Snapfinger Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility; inclusive of site preparation, modification of existing structures, and the construction of new structures. This request is to increase the contract term through December 31, 2025. Awarded to Archer Western Construction, LLC. CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 6 to Contract No. 1177081 Trenchless Sewer Line Rehabilitation and Construction and Televising Inspection Services (Savannah Contract: Event No. 5937/Buyer Contract No. 886 [DeKalb Cooperative Agreement]: for use by Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract is a cooperative agreement and consists of providing sewer line rehabilitation services; to primarily include inspections, sewer line cleaning, and cured in place pipe. This request is to increase the contract scope of work, term through December 31, 2026, and funding. This request will allow for the continuation of existing sanitary sewer line rehabilitation services. Awarded to Insituform Technologies, LLC. Amount Not to Exceed $11,897,964.10. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 3 to Contract No.1283955 Cooperative Agreement for Consent Decree: Trenchless Technology Rehabilitation, External Point Repairs, and Related Products and Services (OMNIA Partners Cooperative Purchasing Agreement No. R170802) [DeKalb Cooperative Agreement]: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). This contract consists of providing sewer system trenchless sewer line rehabilitation services. This request seeks to utilize the (Engineering News Record - Construction Cost Index) to calculate and address cost increases for work completed after January 1, 2025. This request also seeks to increase the contract scope of work, funds, and contract term through December 31, 2026. Awarded to SAK Construction, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $14,096,700.42. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
REN - Contract Nos.: 1325680 and 1334397 Right-of-Way Mowing (Annual Contract - 2nd Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): for use by Public Works -Sanitation and Beautification. These contracts consist of mowing and lawn maintenance services at one hundred thirty-two (132) right-of-way locations throughout the County. This request seeks to exercise the 2nd and last renewal option through January 31, 2026. Awarded to Executive Realty Solution, Inc. and Flex Landscaping, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed $1,330,195.06. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
LB - Invitation No. 24-101651 Stone Crushed Granite (Three (3) Year Multiyear Contract): for use by the Departments of Watershed Management (DWM), Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs (RPCA), and Public Works - Roads & Drainage (R&D) and Sanitation. Consists of providing stone crushed granite for use in various applications. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: F.M. Shelton, Inc. and Green Dream International, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $6,064,651.00. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 1122508 Landfill Professional Engineering and Surveying Services (Annual Contract with 3 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Public Works - Sanitation. This contract consists of providing engineering and surveying services related to municipal solid waste landfills, including services related to construction, operating, permitting and compliance at the County’s solid waste management facilities. This request seeks to increase the contract term through April 30, 2025. Awarded to Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt Consulting, Inc., dba SCS Engineers. CONTRACT TERM INCREASE ONLY. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
SS - Maintenance Parts and Services for Endress+Hauser Water Treatment Systems (Sole Source): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of purchasing parts and services for verification, calibration, and repair of Endress+Hauser instruments. This request seeks to establish a three-year agreement with Endress+Hauser and will assist in the ongoing operation and maintenance of water treatment systems at the Snapfinger, Pole Bridge, and Scott Candler Wastewater Treatment Plants. Awarded to Endress+Hauser. Amount Not To Exceed: $2,700,000.00. | | |
Not available