Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/3/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Manuel J. Maloof Auditorium
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2018-3111 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Districts 3, 5, 6 & 7. Acceptance of a Grant from the United Way of Greater Atlanta to provide Food Pantry/Food Services to Intergenerational Families Living in South DeKalb- at no cost to the County   Not available Not available
2019-3157 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Nomination of a Presiding Officer   Not available Not available
2019-3158 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Nomination of a Deputy Presiding Officer   Not available Not available
2018-3042 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Jonathan S. Goldmark   Not available Not available
2018-3043 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Ralph โ€œJoeโ€ Hughes   Not available Not available
2018-3132 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Lee C. Davis   Not available Not available
2018-3133 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Iyob Makonnen   Not available Not available
2018-3134 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Charles S. Conklin III   Not available Not available
2018-3135 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with John V. Dichiara   Not available Not available
2018-3136 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Jon Vickers   Not available Not available
2018-3137 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Termination of Standardized T-Hangar Space Agreement with David C. Lincoln   Not available Not available
2018-3138 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 1 & 6 Termination of Standardized T-Hangar Space Agreement with Wendell Todd   Not available Not available
2018-3152 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Rescind the vote for item 2018-2983 on the November 13, 2018 Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda, approving the September 25, 2018 Zoning Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
2018-3016 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Intergovernmental Agreement with Rockdale County, Georgia For Supplemental Fire and Rescue Services   Not available Not available
2018-3112 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Accepting Additional Funds from the Atlanta Regional Commission for senior services for SFY 2019   Not available Not available
2018-3140 2  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL DISTRICTS A resolution to renew the Service Delivery Strategy for DeKalb County, Georgia   Not available Not available
2018-3109 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Commission Districts Grant Acceptance - US Department of Homeland Security, United States Secret Service (USSS) FY 2019 Electronic Crimes Task Force (ECTF), $4,000.00.   Not available Not available
2018-3106 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Countywide MARTA Bus Rapid Transit Candler Agreement CIP   Not available Not available
2018-3102 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 2 and 6 Acceptance of $125,000 from Ashton Atlanta Residential LLC for Access Improvements to South Fork Peachtree Creek Trail   Not available Not available
2018-2527 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL LB - Invitation No. 18-101019 On-Call Plumbing Services (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Facilities Management (FM). Consists of the repair, replacement, maintenance and installation of plumbing fixtures at county-owned facilities. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: J. Squared Plumbing Company, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $450,000.00.   Not available Not available
2018-2991 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All LB - Invitation No. 18-101017 Closed Cab Boom Mower Tractor with Rotary Cutter: for Public Works - Fleet Management to be used by Public Works - Beautification. Consists of one (1) unit to mow behind guard rails, ditches and drains along the roadway and to trim tree limbs. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: Ag-Pro. Amount Not To Exceed: $151,034.00.   Not available Not available
2018-3046 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 1 and 7 LB - Invitation No. 18-101002 Tucker Streetscape - First Avenue, Second Street, Fourth Street, Lynburn Drive and Fellowship Road - PI #0010633/PI# 0012617 (365 days): for use by Public Works-Transportation. Consists of providing road improvements and enhancements in the City of Tucker. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: CMES, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $1,943,913.00   Not available Not available
2018-3054 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 CA - Cooperative Agreement for Prefabricated Restroom Buildings: for use by the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs (RPCA). Consists of the purchase and installation of prefabricated restroom buildings at seven (7) County parks. Awarded to CXT, Inc. a L.B. Foster Company. Amount Not To Exceed: $434,424.28.   Not available Not available
2018-3058 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL LB - Invitation No. 18-101013 Painting and Wallpapering Services (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by the Department of Facilities Management (FM) and Fire Rescue Services (FS). Consists of providing painting and wallpapering services. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: The Rossum Group, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $260,000.00.   Not available Not available
2018-3110 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CO - Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 13-902723 for Uniformed Security Guard Services (Multi-year): for use by Police Services (PS) to be utilized by all County Departments. The contract consists of providing armed and unarmed security guard services at various County locations. Award to All(n)1 Security Services, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $680,000.00.   Not available Not available
2018-3144 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Amendment to Agenda Item 2018-3039 - Board of Commissionersโ€™ 2019 Regular Business and Committee of the Whole Meetings Calendar   Not available Not available
2018-3023 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Reappointment to the Historic Preservation Commission - Ms. Deb Watts   Not available Not available
2018-3027 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Reappointment to the Historic Preservation Commission - Mr. Jon Hart   Not available Not available
2018-3153 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Correct the motion verbiage for item 2018-2411 on the September 25, 2018 Zoning Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
2018-3143 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Commission Districts Request for Grant Award Acceptance in the Amount of $ 25,000 for the Fulton - DeKalb Hospital Authority (FDHA)   Not available Not available
2018-2778 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): District 1 Sewer Petition-Winchester Trail (City of Brookhaven)   Not available Not available
2018-2265 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts Amendment To Board of Commissioners Standing Procedural Rules   Not available Not available
2018-2902 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): 4 & 6 Traffic Calming Petition - First Avenue between Chestnut Street and Rockbridge Road. No Cost to County.   Not available Not available
2018-2502 1  OrdinanceCOMMISSION DISTRICT(S): 2 & 6 Application of the Director of Planning & Sustainability for a Major Modification to zoning conditions to amend the site plan of a condominium subdivision to relocate one building and allow full access on Stephens Drive. The property is located on the southeast intersection of Briarcliff Road and Stephens Road.   Not available Not available
2018-2794 1  OrdinanceCOMMISSION DISTRICT(S): 2 & 6 Application of the Director of Planning and Sustainability for the Emory Jewish Student Center to rezone property from OI (Office Institutional) to OIT (Office Institutional n Transitional) to allow the use for an existing student center, at 1526 N. Decatur Rd (Application amended due to legal discovery).   Not available Not available
2018-2777 1  OrdinanceCOMMISSION DISTRICT(S): 5 & 7 Application of Tycore Auto Services for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow major auto repair within Tier 1 of the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District and the C-2 (General Commercial) District, at 5361 Covington Highway.   Not available Not available
2018-3151 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): District 4 Recording appointment of Tess Snipes to the Peachtree DeKalb Airport Master Plan Committee.   Not available Not available
2018-2880 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): ALL CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 977680, Financial Advisory Services (Multiyear Contract): for use by the Department of Finance. Consists of providing professional financial advisory services to the County. Awarded to Public Financial Management, Inc. Contract Term Extension Only.   Not available Not available
2018-3038 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts A Resolution Of The Governing Authority Of DeKalb County, Georgia To The General Assembly Relating To The Expansion And Support Of Mental Health Services Across The Continuum Of Care.   Not available Not available
2018-2912 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): Commission Districts 2 and 6 Appropriation of Funds for SPLOST Parks Drainage Projects   Not available Not available
2018-2337 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All LB - Invitation No. 18-100969 Lubricants (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by Public Works - Fleet Management and the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the purchase of lubricants (motor oil, hydraulic fluids, transmission fluids, etc.) used for County vehicles and on-site equipment. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Dilmar Oil Company, Lubrication Engineers, Inc., The McPherson Companies, Inc., Taylor Enterprises, Inc., Brewer Hendley Oil Co. and Northeast Lubricants, Ltd. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $356,726.00.   Not available Not available
2018-2919 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All REN - Nuisance Abatement and Remediation Services (Annual Contract - 1st Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): for use by Beautification - Keep DeKalb Beautiful (KDB). This contract consists of providing services to reduce blight in the County, including abatement of vacant and abandoned properties (houses and lots). Awarded to Samuel & AAK Company, Inc., AHB General Contractors, Inc. and Absolute Quality Services, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $100,000.00.   Not available Not available
2018-2927 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Request approval to appropriate SPLOST funds for the purchase of 50 police vehicles in the amount of $1,863,450.00 from line item 2F $5,606,300.00 and approve Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1119777 for Purchase of Various Automobiles, Vans, Trucks, and Accessories (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by Public Works - Fleet Management. This contract consists of providing replacement vehicles to enable personnel to complete daily work activities and operations that require the use of automobiles, vans, and light trucks equipped with specific packages and accessories. Awarded to Hardy Chevrolet Buick GMC, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $1,863,450.00.   Not available Not available
2018-2703 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All LB - Invitation No. 18-100946 Cement (Annual Contract with 2 Options to Renew): for use by Public Works - Road and Drainage (R&D) and Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the acquisition of various cement products for day to day operations. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Ferguson Enterprise, Inc. d/b/a Ferguson Waterworks, Freeman Resources Group, LLC and K2R Legacy Group, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $381,768.53.   Not available Not available
2018-2978 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Commission Districts MOU for Police - Business Partnership with Ring to Help Reduce Crime in Dekalb County   Not available Not available
2018-3020 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All A Resolution by the Governing Authority of DeKalb County, Georgia to Erect a Permanent Monument Memorializing DeKalb Victims of Racial Terrorism   Not available Not available
2018-3035 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts A Resolution Of The Governing Authority Of DeKalb County, Georgia To The General Assembly Relating To The Creation Of A Charter Review Commission To Study And Make Recommendations On The Governance Structure Of DeKalb County.   Not available Not available
2018-3036 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All Districts A Resolution Of The Governing Authority Of DeKalb County, Georgia To The General Assembly To Amend O.C.G.A. ยง 36-62-5, Relating To The Appointment Of Members To The County Development Authority By The County Governing Authority.   Not available Not available
2018-3041 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1016099 for Professional Services for Leadership Training: for use by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This contract consists of the provision of leadership training. Awarded to Leadership DeKalb, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $60,000.00.   Not available Not available
2018-3086 1  ResolutionCommission District(s): All A Resolution Of The Board of Commissioners Of DeKalb County, Georgia To The General Assembly Proposing A County Organizational Act Amendment To Ensure, And Eliminate Impediments To, Establishment, By Ordinance, Of A Transparent And Efficient County Procurement System.   Not available Not available