| 1 | | | Ordinance | COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): All Districts
Application of the Director of Planning & Sustainability to amend Section 7.4.6 of the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance to modify criteria to be considered in evaluating and deciding an application for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP). | approved substitute | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Appointment | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
To Appoint Sheriff Melody M. Maddox to the DeKalb County Community Service Board, Replacing Dr. Dude’s Vacant Position Due to His Resignation as the Superintendent for Decatur City Schools. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Appointment | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
To appoint Joseph N. Kusmik to the Board of Tax Assessors to Fill the Slot Vacated by John W. Lawson. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 2
To Record the Appointment of Sally Sears to the Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs Citizen Advisory Board | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 5
An item to appoint Clara Black Delay to the DeKalb Charter Review Commission, District 5 Seat | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 6
Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Robert Saunders. There is no cost to the County. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 6
Termination of Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with John P. Post. There is no cost to the County. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 and 6
Termination of Standardized T-Hangar Lease Agreement with Michael P. Sarsfield. There is no cost to the County. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
Approval of Minutes for the April 5, 2022 Committee of the Whole Meeting | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Appropriation of District 2 ARP Funding to DeKalb Habitat for Humanity for Seniors and Veteran Home Repairs | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts
To Appropriate $5,000 from District 2 ARP Funding for Park Naturalist Jonah McDonald Programming and Gear for use in Mason Mill Park. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 3
To allocate an amount not to exceed $70,000 from the District 3 Reserved for Appropriation Funds for the completion of the Rainbow Park Amphitheater and District 3 Concert Series. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 4
Allocation to appropriate (not to exceed) $50,000 to Scottdale Early Learning Inc. of Federal America Rescue Plan Funds reserved for District 4 in POETA Account # ARP POETA #105726-69110-521209-01-602476 for the purpose of daycare vouchers, housing insecurity, rental, utility assistance, community food distribution, technology, health and mental health transportation and other essential needs for individuals and families impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 5
An item to allocate $50,000 of the American Rescue Plan funds, reserved for District 5 appropriations to The Hank Stewart Foundation for the for the purposes of eviction forbearance, utility and water billing assistance, and other administrative costs for District 5 residents. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 7
To Appropriate $50,000 In American Rescue Plan Grant Funds Assigned to POETA Account 105744.63258.521209.01.07.602479 Reserved For The District 7 Appropriation To The Steed Society To Mitigate The Public Health Emergency Created By The COVID-19 Pandemic. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): District 7
To Appropriate $75,000 In American Rescue Plan Grant Funds Assigned to POETA Account 105744.63258.521209.01.07.602479 Reserved For The District 7 Appropriation To Hosea Feed The Hungry & Homeless To Mitigate The Public Health Emergency Created By The COVID-19 Pandemic. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): all
Approval of Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of March 15, 2022 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Commissioners Meeting of March 22, 2022 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Commissioners Zoning Meeting of March 24, 2022 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
2022 CDBG Youth Set-Aside Fund for Summer Voucher Program | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 1 & 6
Resolution to Set Public Hearing Date for Consider Abandonment of a 577 S.F. Section of Right of Way at Clairmont Road, Chamblee, GA 30341. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts Will Be Impacted
Approval To Accept the FY22 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council - Emergency Grant Fund for the Rebound Juvenile Drug Court In The Amount Of $7,500 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 2 and 6
Zonolite Park Donation | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts
Establishment of a Tree Bank Fund and Acceptance of Private Proceeds. | deferred for 30 days | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts
To adopt a resolution to establish a Revitalization and Elimination of Blight Goals and Task Plan for 2022-2026. | deferred for 30 days | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts
Establishment of a Sidewalk Fund for the Acceptance Private Donations/Proceeds. | deferred for 30 days | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): County Wide
Speed Zone Order/Radar Permit Application | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1257650 BodyWorn™ Body Camera System (Multi-Year): for use by the Marshal’ Office and Police Services (PS). Consists of the purchase of the BodyWorn™ Comprehensive Body Camera System and supporting hardware and software accessories. Awarded to: Utility Associates, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $25,000.00. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 2 to Contract Nos. 1213056 and 1213057 for Temporary Personnel Services (Four (4) Year Multi-Year Contract): for use by all DeKalb County departments through the Department of Human Resources & Merit System (HRMS). The contracts consist of the provision of temporary staffing. Awarded to: Howroyd-Wright Employment Agency, Inc. dba AppleOne Employment Services and Corporate Temps, Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $5,000,000.00. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO - Change Order No. 5 to Contract Nos.: 1191813, 1191815, 1191816, 1191817 and 1191818 for General Contractor Services (Multiyear Contract): for use by the Departments of Facilities Management (FM), Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs (RPCA) and Fire Rescue Services (FR). These contracts consist of providing general contracting work for construction projects throughout the County. Awarded to: AUTACO Development, LLC, Kissberg/Parker-Fry JV, LLC, SoCo Contracting Company, Inc., Engineering Design Technologies, Inc. (EDT) and Greenheart Construction, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $2,400,000.00. | approved substitute | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): ALL
CO- Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 1223931 for Professional Services for the Implementation of an Oracle HCM Cloud System: for use by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT). This contract consists of providing professional services for the implementation of an Oracle HCM Cloud system. Awarded to Deloitte Consulting, LLP. Amount Not To Exceed: $1,694,940.00. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
LB - Invitation No. 21-101455 Purchase, Inspection, Service and Repair of Fire Extinguishers (Annual Contract with 2 Options To Renew): for use by the Department of Facilities Management (FM) and Fire Rescue (DCFR). Consists of the purchase, inspection, service and repair of fire extinguishers. Recommend award to the sole responsive and responsible bidder: All-Star Fire, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $115,000.00. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
LB - Invitation No. 21-101420 Nuisance Abatement and Remediation Services (Three (3) Year Multiyear Contract): for use by Code Compliance (CC). Consists of providing services to reduce blight in the County including abatement of vacant and abandoned properties (houses and lots). Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Neda Inc. dba Garden of Aden Landscaping and Executive Realty Solutions Inc. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $300,000.00. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 3 & 7
SS - Phase II of Bandalong Trash Trap Project (Construction of the Servicing Area): for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). Consists of the completion of the purchase and installation of a river litter trap and boom system. Recommend award to Site Engineering, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $65,343.00. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 2 and 6
LB - Invitation No. 21-101463 North Decatur Road Roundabout Improvements (120 days): for use by Public Works-Transportation. Consists of the construction of mini-roundabouts at the North Decatur Road intersections with Springdale Road and Oakdale Road, including related curb, ramps, and sidewalks. Recommend award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder: S D & C, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed: $627,165.71. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
CO - Consent to Assignment of Contract No. 1176858 from Otto Environmental Systems North American, Inc. to Duramax Holdings, LLC: for use by PW-Sanitation. Consists of the Consent to Assignment to transfer remaining funds and contract term to Duramax Holdings LLC, dba Otto Environmental Systems. No change in the contract’s terms, conditions or prices. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
REN - HDPE Pipe Liners (Annual Contract - 2nd Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract No. 1223623 for use by Public Works - Roads and Drainage (R&D). Consists of providing High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe liners. Awarded to Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $476,000.00. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
RA - Ratification of PO No. 1283762 for the Animal Crematory (Emergency): for use by the Department of Public Works - Sanitation. Consists of the ratification of the purchase of the incinerator that replaced the existing incinerator that reached end of life. Recommend approval to ratify the emergency service from Bestech Environmental Recourse, Inc. Amount Not To Exceed $137,221.00. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 3 and 7
To authorize the sale of a permanent easement over 1.82 acres of County owned property located at 3181 Rainbow Drive with such easement area to be utilized by GA Power to install a standard transmission line as part of the Austin Drive - Morrow 115 KV (OHGW) Phase 3 Project (GA Power LIMS project 2019010053 - parcel 055). | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 3 & 6
To consider authorizing the sale of County owned property in fee simple and authorizing temporary easements and Rights of Entry to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to allow GDOT to make roadway improvements on I-285 at Bouldercrest Road (PI # 713300). | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 2 & 6
Change Order to Agenda Item 2020-0509 & 2021-2153 Water and Sewer Facilities Project PI0009400 Buford Hwy/SR13 from Afton Ln/CS8 to Shallowford Terrace/CS750 for an additional $1,825,771.89 | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 4 & 7
Agreement for the Construction and Financing of Sewer Upgrades with Bottling Group, LLC a Delaware limited liability company and an indirect subsidiary of PepsiCo, Inc. not to exceed $600,000 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
A Request to Consider Establishing an Annual Traffic Count Program | deferred for 30 days | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
A Request to Consider Establishing a Sidewalk Mapping System | deferred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
To enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the DeKalb County Development Authority and the County for economic development purposes. | approved substitute | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
DeKalb County’s adoption of a safe gun storage ordinance to impact and prevent accidental injuries and deaths. | deferred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Districts.
A Resolution of the Governing Authority of DeKalb County, Georgia, to Adopt a Comprehensive Trails Master Plan by 2023 and to Appropriate $400,000 for the Development of the Trails Master Plan | approved substitute | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): all
Approval of Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of March 1, 2022 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All Commission Districts
Approve the resolutions authorizing the execution and delivery of the WIFIA 2 Loan Agreement, including the interest rate and Debt Service Schedule in the WIFIA 2 Note. | deferred to the next meeting | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 4 & 6
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 3200 Kelly Street, Scottdale, GA 30079. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 4 & 6
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 3172 Zion Street, Scottdale, GA 30079. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): 4 & 6
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of an Unredeemed and Unforeclosed Interest in Property at 3152 Zion Street, Scottdale, GA 30079. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
REN - Asphalt Cement Cutback and Emulsified (Annual Contract - 2nd Renewal of 2 Options to Renew): Contract No. 1210222 for use by Public Works - Roads and Drainage (R& D). The contract consists of supplying liquid adhesive to be utilized for roadway repairs or construction to bond old asphalts with new asphalts. Awarded to Infinite Estates, LLC. Amount Not To Exceed: $142,160.00 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Resolution | Commission District(s): All
REN - Water Meter Upgrade and Replacement Program (Annual Contract - 3rd Renewal of 3 Options to Renew): Contract Nos.1133840 and 1133841 for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). These contracts consist of the provision and management of upgrade and replacement of existing water meters and new water meter installations. Awarded to RTS Water Solutions, LLC and Grid One Solutions, LLC. Total Amount Not To Exceed: $8,800,000.00 | approved | Pass |
Action details