Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
Application of William Walters for a Special Land Use Permit to allow a home occupation (vintage audio electronics repair) with customer contact in an R-75 (Residential Medium Lot) District, at 2088 Brannen Road.
PETITION NO: N3. SLUP-19-1235300
PROPOSED USE: Home Occupation with Customer Contact
LOCATION: 2088 Brannen Road
PARCEL NO.: 15-141-02-063
INFO. CONTACT: Marian Eisenberg
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-4922
Application of William Walters for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a home occupation (vintage audio electronics repair) with customer contact in a R-75 (Residential Medium Lot) District, in accordance with Chapter 27, Article 4, Table 4.1 Use Table and Section 27-4.2.31 Supplemental Regulations of the DeKalb County Code. The property is located on the northeast intersection of Brannen Road and Rockcliff Road at 2088 Brannen Road. The property has approximately 83 feet of frontage on the north side of Brannen Road and approximately 150 feet of frontage on the east side of Rockcliff Road and contains 0.28 acre.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Approval with Condition
PLANNING COMMISSION: Approval with Staff Recommended Conditions
PLANNING STAFF: Approval with Conditions
STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed in- home occupation with customer contact should not have any adverse impact on adjacent and surrounding properties. The exterior of the existing single-family residence is not proposed for alterations, therefore remaining compatible with surrounding dwellings in the area. Given that the existing driveway can accommodate off-street parking for clients, there should be no impact on adjacent properties. The proposed use would not create adverse impacts on adjoining properties by way of noise, smoke, odor, dust or vibration. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Planning and Sustainability Department that the application be, “Approved, subject to the attached conditions”.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: 8-0-0/J. Johnson moved, V. Moore seconded for Approval with Staff's conditions.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: 9-0-1/Approval to add a driveway to accommodate at least 2 cars.