File #: 2021-2426    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Public Hearing
File created: 3/30/2021 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 8/10/2021 Final action: 8/10/2021
Title: COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): 4 & 6 Application of Amanda Woodruff to rezone property from R-85 (Residential Medium Lot-85) District to RSM (Small Lot Residential Mix) District to construct three single-family attached townhomes, at 3720 Jamieson Place.
Attachments: 1. Substitute 2021 07.27 Item 2021-2426, 2. Z-21-1244669 Staff Report May 2021, 3. 2021-2426 Recommended Conditions-SUBSTITUTE 7-23-21


Public Hearing:  YES      NO                                                   Department: Planning & Sustainability                                     




Application of Amanda Woodruff to rezone property from R-85 (Residential Medium Lot-85) District to RSM (Small Lot Residential Mix) District to construct three single-family attached townhomes, at 3720 Jamieson Place.



PETITION NO: N3. Z-21-1244669 2021-2426

PROPOSED USE: Three (3) single-family attached townhomes.

LOCATION: 3720 Jamieson Place.

PARCEL NO. : 18-067-03-011

INFO.  CONTACT: John Reid, Sr. Planner

PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155



Application of Amanda Woodruff to rezone property from R-85 (Residential Medium Lot-85) District to RSM (Small Lot Residential Mix) District to construct three single-family attached townhomes. The property is located on the north side of Jamison Place and the west side of Market Street, at 3720 Jamison Place in Clarkston, Georgia. The property has approximately 193 feet of frontage along Jamison Place and 100 feet of frontage along Market Street and contains 0.44 acre.



Recommended Action





PLANNING STAFF: Full Cycle Deferral.


STAFF ANALYSIS: Based on the information and site plan, it cannot be determined if the proposed rezoning request is consistent with the policies and strategies of the Suburban Character Area to protect stable neighborhoods from incompatible development (Suburban Policy #1). It appears that single-family attached townhomes would provide an appropriate transitional land use between the place of worship and apartments to the west and south and the single-family detached subdivisions to the north and east. The applicant is proposing a three-story building height to allow for a two-car garage on the first floor.  Given the small number of units proposed and that a first floor two-car parking garage would enhance the streetscape by limiting views of parked automobiles, it appears that the proposed three-story buildings could be compatible with the surrounding area’s two-story building heights if there is compliance with minimum building setbacks and a 20-foot wide buffer is provided along the north property line abutting a single-family subdivision.  However, the plan needs to provide required density bonuses to achieve the desired 6.8 units per acre as required by the RSM zoning requirements.  Additionally, there are several details that need to be provided to ensure that the plan is conforming to the RSM zoning standards and is compatible with surrounding properties as follows:   1. The plan needs to clarify what density bonuses are being provided to justify the proposed 6.8 dwelling units per acre as required by Article 2 of the zoning ordinance. Additionally, the plan needs to indicate if the proposed units are fee-simple or a condominium form of ownership; one fee-simple lots would qualify for the provision of density bonuses.  2. The plan needs to provide sidewalks and street trees along Jamieson Place and Market Street as well as 20% open space as required by the zoning ordinance.  The plan needs to show compliance with minimum building size, minimum building setbacks, and other requirements of the RSM zoning district as outlined in the compliance table of the staff report.     3. The plan should be revised to provide a 20-foot wide undisturbed transitional buffer along the north property which abut single-family residential to provide additional compatibility.    Therefore, the Planning and Sustainability Department recommends “Full cycle deferral, to allow the opportunity for the applicant to address Staff’s concerns”.


PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Full Cycle Deferral 9-0-0.  LaSonya Osler moved, Jon West seconded for Full Cycle Deferral, per Staff recommendation.


COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION:  Approval 12-0-0.  Community Council recommended approval and indicated that the proposed three story townhomes were appropriate to allow for a two car garage on first level to screen vehicles from view of the street.