Public Hearing: YES ? NO ? Department: Planning & Sustainability
COMMISSION DISTRICT(S): Commission District 1 Super District 7
Application of Paul Cables, Alpha Residential and Parker Poe to rezone properties from O-I (Office Institutional) zoning district to HR-3 (High Density Residential-3) zoning district to allow apartments, at 3375 Northeast Expressway.
PETITION NO: D9-2022-2263 Z-22-1246093
PROPOSED USE: Redevelopment of the site into a 775-unit multi-family residential community.
LOCATION: 3375 Northeast Expressway, Chamblee, Georgia 30341
PARCEL NO. : 18-267-01-004; 18-267-01-007; 18-267-01-008
INFO. CONTACT: Brandon White, Planning Manager
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Paul Cables, Alpha Residential and Parker Poe to rezone properties from O-I (Office Institutional) zoning district to HR-3 (High Density Residential-3) zoning district to allow apartments. The property is located on the east side of Interstate 85/Northeast Expressway and the south side of Woodcock Boulevard, at 3355, 3375, and 3395 Northeast Expressway in Chamblee, Georgia. The property has approximately 1,042 feet of frontage along Interstate 85/Northeast Expressway, 290 feet of frontage along Woodcock Boulevard and contains 7.02 acres.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: (Dec. 14, 2022) Denial. (Oct. 19, 2022) Deferral.
PLANNING COMMISSION: (January 5, 2023) Withdrawal without Prejudice. (November 1, 2022) Two-Cycle Deferral.
PLANNING STAFF: Withdrawal without Prejudice.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant has requested withdrawal and Staff supports this request for "Withdrawal without Prejudice". See attached Staff report for details.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: (January 5, 2023) Withdrawal without Prejudice 9-0-0. Jon West moved, Vivian Moore seconded for Withdrawal without Prejudice, per the Applicant's request. (November 1, 2022) Two-Cycle Defe...
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