Purchasing Type: Change Order (CO)
Public Hearing: YES ☐ NO ☒ Department: Purchasing & Contracting
Commission District(s): All
CO - Change Order No. 1 to Contract Nos.: 1043455 and 1043468 Construction Management Services: for use by the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). These contracts consist of the provision of on-call construction management services. This request will allow for the completion of construction management services needed to satisfy existing and upcoming capital improvement and consent decree projects. Awarded to BenchMark Management, LLC and Gresham Smith. Total Amount Not To Exceed $4,900,000.00
Information Contact: Talisa Clark, CPPO
Phone Number: (404) 687-2797
Awarded by the BOC to six vendors on December 13, 2016 for a total amount not to exceed $18,000,000. These contracts consist of the provision of on-call construction management services inclusive of pre-construction services, construction inspections, field services, management of meetings, production of progress reports and other related services. This request is to increase funding for two of the six awarded vendors, to allow for the continued completion of previously assigned work (see attached) as well as allow for assistance in completing upcoming capital improvement and consent decree projects.
Recommend approval of Change Order No. 1 with:
BenchMark Management, LLC, 100 Peachtree Street, Suite 1900, Atlanta, GA 30303
Note: LSBE Participation: 100%
Estimated Amount: $2,200,000.00
Gresham Smith, 1125 Sanctuary Parkway, Suite 350, Alpharetta, GA 30009
Note: LSBE Participation: 39%
Estimated Amount: $2,700,000.00
Total Amount Not To Exceed: $4,900,000.00
Recommended Action
and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the change orders and all associated documents.
1.Contract Effective Date: February 10, 2017 (BenchMark)
March 7, 2017 (Gresham Smith)
2.Contract Expiration Date: December 31, 2021
3.Amount Spent To Date: $4,649,084.15
4.Funding: 2011 CIP Bond and/or Renewal & Extension (DWM)
Various CIP Line Nos.