Public Hearing: YES ☒ NO ☐ Department: Planning & Sustainability
To rezone properties from R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) to MR-2 (Medium Density Residential-2) District to allow for the construction of single-family attached townhomes.
PETITION NO: Z-21-1243934 (2021-2110)
PROPOSED USE: 50 Single-family, attached dwelling units
LOCATION: 3605, 3611, 3599, 3593, & 3581 Rockbridge Road.
PARCEL NO. : 18 011 06 001, 18 011 06 004, 18 011 06 005, 18 011 06 006, & 18 011 06 007
INFO. CONTACT: John Reid, Senior Planner
PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-2155
Application of Kyle Williams & Williams Teusink, LLC to rezone properties from R-75 (Residential-Medium Lot-75) District to MR-2 (Medium-Density Residential-2) District to allow for the construction of single-family attached townhomes. The property is located on the south side of Rockbridge Road and the east side of Interstate 285, at 3605,
3611, 3599, 3593, & 3581 Rockbridge Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Recommended Action
COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Feb. 2021 - Full Cycle Deferral; April 2021 - Full Cycle Deferral; June 2021- Full Cycle Deferral
PLANNING COMMISSION: March 2, 2021 - Denial; May 6, 2021 - Full Cycle Deferral; July 8, 2021 Full Cycle Deferral
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions.
PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: There is a companion land use amendment request (See Case LP-21-1243933). Since the May 27th Board of Commissioners meeting, the applicant has amended the companion LP case from Suburban (SUB) to Regional Center (RC) [previously the applicant was requesting Neighborhood Center (NC)]. The request to amend to RC is consistent with the intent of the Memorial Drive Revitalization Corridor Study Small Area Plan (adopted in September 2020). That Plan recommends a Regional Center (RC) Character Area for the subject properties; to incorporate them into the larger Kensington RC character area. The nodal character area concept also includes a tiered intensity ring component. The tiered ring concept provides a step down in intensity and building height from the central core around the Kensington MARTA station on the other side of Interstate 285 (where high-density mixed-use development is desired) to its perimeter. Outside of the core is an inner ring then an outer ring (see attached RC Character Area ring illustration). The subject properties are located in the outer ring. The RC outer ring calls for residential densities up to 24 units per acre, maximum building heights of three stories, and buffers to provide appropriate transitions to the single-family residential areas further east on Rockbridge Road. Since the July 29th Board of Commissioners meeting, the applicant has revised the site plan to decrease the number of townhomes from 53 units to 50 units at an overall density of 10.26 units per acre and has provided a 50-foot-wide undisturbed buffer along the eastern property line. The buffer shall preserve existing trees and be supplemented with new trees to form an effective visual screen. Based on the submitted revised concept plan, it appears that the proposed rezoning request is consistent with the RC outer ring character area to provide a maximum building height of three stories, a maximum density of no more than 24 units per acre (10.26 units per acre proposed), and buffers to provide an appropriate transition to the single-family residential areas further east on Rockbridge Road. Therefore, the Planning & Sustainability Department recommends that the request be approved with Staff’s recommended conditions.
PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Full cycle deferral 5-1-0. LaSonya Osler moved, Vivian Moore seconded for a FCD, per Staff recommendation. Tess Snipes opposed; April Atkins was not present at the time of this vote. Passed 5- 0-0.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL VOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Full cycle deferral 13-0-0. Community Council 4 recommended Full Cycle Deferral at request of applicant to allow sufficient time to revise site plan taking into account comments from the public and community council from the last round of meetings.